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Policies and Stupid People

Katrina..... what a mess. I honestly haven't been this depressed in such a long time. It's awful. I'm surprised at the people that act as if doesn't effect them other than raising gas prices. The company I work for has a site in Baton Rouge. That's where Cory goes when he leaves for work. They got hit hard there, and the town is croweded with people who fled from New Orleans ahead of the storm. Now, all of them homeless and lost. It's horrible. I've been organizing and helping out with getting supplies from people here at work to send down to the co workers in Baton Rouge. I feel so bad for them, I cannot imagine not having my home to go to. It boggles my mind. I have to do something to help them out. I keep sitting here wishing I had a boat or could fly a helicopter or something just so I could go down and help rescue people... it sucks. I hate feeling helpless. And talking about helpless... there are people down there with guns firing at hospital workers and sick people and helicopters, etc. WHAT THE HELL? How on earth could someone sink to that level. Is it a power trip? Are they thinking "Ohh, I've got guns now cuz I stole 'em from Wal-mart and the police are busy helping people. So I can have my own gang and make New Orleans mine!"... I've got two words for them.... "Dumb Dumbs" :) The human species is so corrupt sometimes.If you haven't done so... Donate to help them out. http://www.redcross.org/ I think we can all afford giving up a fast food meal to help them out!Now Bush is saying help is on the way. Uhm... So when did you decide you were actually going to help? Shouldn't you have known this already. I don't know squat about Hurricanes, but I knew a good 12 hours before it hit it wasn't going to be pretty. Are the leaders of our country that foolish? Let's hold off on sending more troops to Iraq for at least two weeks and lets get those people down there to help rescue. Fly in the helicopters, bring in the boats and get the people out! Hrmmm this is our homeland, shouldn't it be a priority?*grins* O.k. I vented... but I had too! I hope everyone tries to help out somehow!And Clyde.. if you read this, I hope you are o.k and safe in Batron Rouge! My thoughts are on you!PS - April in the Big Brother house torques me off too! *smirk*

posted by Xrystofer @ 9/01/2005 06:28:00 PM,


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