Blog Spot...hrmm
September 06, 2005

Well, it's time to try something new perhaps. I'd like to try posting here, however I don't want to lose the archive of history from my LiveJournal site. So..we'll just play it by ear and see how it goes.
Cory and I have been off work since Friday, it's been a great 4 day weekend. We haven't really done much. But that's what a good vacation is all about, just enjoying it. We just watched "Latter Days"...and it was such a good movie. Granted the two main actors are incredibly attactive, the story was good and nearly got some tears out of us. It's assuring to see a good "gay film" not totally driven by sex scenes. The actors were good, the shots weren't overdone and there were no hokey transition scenes or elements you usually find in lower budget movies. The movie just relied on the story to move itself along. We're definitely going to watch it again. And no, not in slo-mo during the sex scenes. (we aready did that...sheesh).
Anway, all for now. Big Brother will be on shortly...
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/06/2005 07:03:00 PM,