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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

I hope your stay is a comfortable one

It's gonna be Hotel Chris&Cory this weekend! Joe, my younger brother called last night and asked if it'd be o.k. if he crashed at our house this weekend. I about laughed, as Saturday is the night my older brother Travis and his friends are staying at our house so they are closer to the airport for the cruise. It's gonna be a FULL frickin house. Thank god it's big enough, however we've only got an extra queen sized and full sized bed. There's gonna be people all over.. it'll look like a refugee camp. It should be fun however. This will be the most people we've hosted overnight at our place, so I'm kind of excited to open the house up for everone. And...I'm a little proud of Cory and myself for having a nice house they can stay in. So...we'll see how it goes I guess. As long as I keep plenty of beer in the house I think it'll be just dandy.

Other news...we're going to have to spend at least $400.00 on a new floor drain in the basement. Ours started having problems and when the plumber came out to snake it, they discovered the "p" trap was broke. WHICH means...they have to replace it. And to replace it they have to break up the concrete floor around it. So...a simple little piece of pipe is going to run us a lot of $$. How crappy is that!?! Oh well, it'll be done and we won't have to worry about it for quite some time I hope!

posted by Xrystofer @ 1/12/2006 10:39:00 AM,


At 1:54 PM, January 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come we didn't get an invite to the hotel weekend B&B. We would like a comment card so that we can file a complaint please. Its ok thou, you are still loved no matter what and I pray that none of the hot video's come up missing you have stashed away.

Love ya



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