Now THAT'S a cow!!!
October 16, 2006
Who knew Roberts Dairy had such big cows. Now I know how they get so much milk..... I couldn't resist taking this picture on the way back to Hastings this summer. I could see this odd thing ahead of me and as I approached and got ready to pass, I had to laugh. Here I was passing the rear end of a GI-NORMOUS cow just cruizing down the interstate. Anyway...I thought the picture was funny.
Can your liver hurt? I think mine does after the weekend I had. Cory's boss is leaving and going back to school soon. That means the damn pager is going to be his full time. So in celebration of his las week of freedom from the small but highly annoying device, we got a hotel room downtown.
Saturday, after lounging around all day we left the house and checked into the hotel. Then we went and got some supper and headed to the bar/club. We got there way early, about 9pm and found a table to sit at and claimed it for the rest of the night. We actually met a couple other people there and had a good time hanging out with them. I'm sure I'm missing some of the details thanks to Cory's idea to get a jagermeister shot when I was well on my way to happiness. Oh well....
We got up pretty early Sunday, since the dog was still at home and most likely had to go outside REALLY REALLY badly. At 3, we went to bowling w/ my brother and continued drinking...
Man I miss the days when I never got a hangover!
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/16/2006 01:44:00 PM,