Time for Some Photos
September 06, 2006
Thought I'd share some photos I've had a couple friends talk about, and a couple new ones. A couple people have asked for a better picture of what I look like. Well, I don't know that I take good pics, so here is one of Cory and I in Mexico this summer. Not sure why, but the picture cracks me up, probably because we tried so many times to take a picture of ourselves on the friggin beach where both our heads were in it... I am on the right (in the hat) and Cory is, well, the only other person in the picture.

Behind us, you can see a vendor selling "jewelry". About 3 of every 5 vendors there were also nice enough to offer you their other merchandise. Very candidly, they'd wave a pipe or some little baggies and offer you some "fun stuff for the beach". I can't believe they were so open about it, and persistant. You'd think that if I've turned the stuff down 147 times over the past two days, I'm not going to suddenly want it now. Oh well, "just say no" right!?!
**Technical difficulties, it won't let me put my other pictures on right now for some reason, so I'll post them later. We'll now return to our regularly scheduled programing.
Ok.. moving right along. This past weekend, we decided to go out with our friend Amy. It's been quite awhile since either of us has gone out on a weekend to a club, especially with Amy. There was no specific event or occasion, Amy just called and we all thought it would be fun. Now, I know I'm not ancient by any means, but this outing made me feel so old. We got there fashionably late of course and got our first drinks. We found a table somehow near the glass windows overlooking the main dance floor. As we looked around, we realized we knew no one. Had this been 4 or 5 years ago, we'd have known everyone. We went out all the time and were continually surrounded by "friends". Not anymore. Weird… It felt like we were in a different city amongst strangers. Rather weird feeling. However, I guess you could say its a good thing not being popular at a club. Maybe. (if you're wondering, which I'm sure you're not, we went to the club called The Max)
The night progressed and we went to get more drinks. Upstairs in the video/quiet bar we were patiently waiting amongst the hundreds of others doing the exact same thing for a drink. Beside Cory and I stood one of the waiter/server boys. Rather cute, brown hair and eyes, shorter than Cory and I, probably 21 or 22 ish in age, and just standing there. I kept my eyes focused on the bartender making sure I didn't get overlooked. I had my money out and was ready to order. Cory was standing directly behind me to help carry the drinks. I keep noticing the waiter boy glancing over, just kind of waiting perhaps. His arm maybe half an inch away from mine as we both stood at the bar. However, my mind was still locked on my Vodka Coke I was about to order. Then I hear the boy say something, I'm pretty sure not to me, but I can tell it's about me. He asks Cory "are you two together?" to which Cory replies "yes". Then without wasting any time, he says "you guys are fucking hot".
My mind rewinds . . . Replays . . . Processes . . . "Yep, this is definitely an awkward situation" is the conclusion it immediately tells me. "What do I do now" I said to myself. So I do what comes first to me..
I smile . . .
Yup . . . that's all I do . . . I smile
(pathetic I know!)
Finally the bartender swings my way and I order. Cute waiter boy still beside me. Like a guy who hasn't been hit on so directly in years, and completely unprepared, I just stand there like a dork. I get our drinks, smile at the boy and leave. HAHA.. I just smile. I walk down the steps totally ashamed at myself. I couldn't believe I was unable to react to that, I used to be a great flirt. Cory and I have very strong relationship, neither of us would have been jealous if the other got hit on. Honestly, we take it as flattering. How can you not find it great that someone else finds your BF attractive?
So we head down to Amy, patiently waiting and tell her the story as we laugh. She looks at us and says "What.. you didn't get his number?" Her reaction was the same as mine, knowing before we'd at least have flirted back. She agreed we're all getting older and our social skills have gone bye-bye.
Point of the story? There is none, however the vodka coke was good!
Sorry, should have been two posts in one!
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/06/2006 09:56:00 AM,
- At 4:47 PM, September 06, 2006, Gay boy comes to London said...
Wow, cute picture, I don't blame the waiter :-)