A matter of honesty...
August 31, 2006
It's no secret I'm a tv addict. I watch way to much of it. However, it saves me from spending money doing other things, so I roll with it. Cory and I have a few theories that seem to hold true regarding tv (remember we have a tivo unit that can record two shows at once even while we watch a recorded show):
1) If we watch a show from the start (as in a series premier) it usually won't last more than a season. Those that we don't start watching usually go on to be huge hits and we're forced to catch up on it later on. I'm not sure why we're cursed as such, but never-the-less it usually holds true. Recent examples:
Shows we watched and LOVED - Commander in Chief, Surface, Invasion, E-Ring. All cancelled, and some didn't even make it the entire season
Shows we didn't watch - Bones, House, The Loop, Dancing/Skating with the Stars. They all are still on.
2) The Cutie Factor - this factors in both TV and movies, especially horror movies or thrillers. The cute guy in the pack dies or leaves the show in a very inappropriate way far to soon. I'm not talking the handsome leader guy that is usualy in the pack, but the one cute one that has the sly grin, great personality and some sort of "Come here I want to pinch those cheeks" innocense about em. Think about this, and see if you catch it when watching a movie. Cory and I routinely say it aloud to one another as soon as the hottie get's whacked about 30 minutes into a show.
Ok, so it's nothing scientific, perhaps just observations. But on to honesty. I watch a lot of shows in the fall, easily 20 or more shows that are on weekly. How do I pick what shows to watch? Well it's not that different than most people. The simple "Hmmm that looks interesting" usually is first because the show's premise is something I enjoy. Then comes the reason I watch about 10 or more shows than I would if I went by interest alone. The guys... I have to admit I have stood by and watched some awful shows because of the regular weekly appearance of a hottie.
Take for example the new show that just started on FOX called "Justice". Remotely interesting premise, however the last thing we need are more lawyer or investigative dramas. The previews have been on tv this summer, and then I see one of the main characters is Kerr Smith.

Instantly, I have tivo's remote in my hand and am programming it to be recorded. Turns out, it's a great show (which means it probably won't last more than a season at most). No, it's nothing juicy or scandalous, just annoying. It isn't that bad that pick shows to watch sometimes based on the appearance of one or more characters is it?
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/31/2006 10:01:00 AM,