This week has taken forever. Even though Monday was Labor Day (US) and I didn't work, this was the longest 4-day work week ever. I can't relly describe it, but even on Wednesday I kept thinking it was Thursday or Friday. The weekend can't get her fast enough!
Three of us at work have gotten into the habit of putting in a dollar or two each and buying a chunk of lottery tickets. Our luck has been awful, however we decided what the heck. It was my turn to buy them, so I did. 6 tickets auto generated by the computers that print them out. Maybe we'll just keep donating our money to the funds, but I'll keep foolishly dreaming one day I'll win!
Next random topic. Today the cable TV person comes out to the house between 5pm - 7pm to install the HD service. We just went out and bought a new plasma TV, so of course you gotta have HD programming. It just wouldn't be right. We had a big screen tv in where the new tv is now (this should come as no surprise as anyone who knows anything about me knows my addiction to tv). The old TV is still sitting in the middle of the room taking up space.
The BIG black tv to the right is the old one. And don't mind the mess, this was about 2am and I JUST got everything put together, thus the mess thrown around...

Honestly,we're not sure where it's going to go. Looks like we may make one of the spare bedrooms a mini-theater room. Since Cory will be watching college football on the new one, I'm more than happy using the older one for my tv on Saturdays. During the fall and Winter, Saturdays turn into football days for Cory. Thus, I'm left to fend for myself for any sort of entertainment. Usually I just watch the shows I dont' get to normally watch, which Cory so elegantly dubbed "learning shows" or "school tv".He likes watching the Discovery and Learning channel type programming just as much as I like watching football. O.k. I take that back, I will watch a glimpse of football, for the hotties of course!
Well, not sure if we'll be going back to the club this weekend. Most likely not. I'm thinking a breif stop would be nice to see if any other waiter wants to boost my ego. Boy that was nice!
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/08/2006 10:22:00 AM,