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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

Writers Block and Life

As I sit here trying to remember exactly how to post on here.... Just kidding. It's been awhile. Quite awhile actualy. The reason being, life just got crazy, and my inspiration faultered a bit I guess. I logged on here many times actually, however sat there looking at the blank entry screen with not a thought on my mind. Of course, the night before, laying in bed there were a million things I wanted to share. They kept me up way past my bedtime. Damn late night ideas and thoughts. They're truly annoying and absolutely impossible to shake. I'm sure I'm not the only one that suddenly thinks of how great an idea it would be to redo the bathroom and suddenly a new invention is being born in your head. All the while you should be sleeping, knowing darn well that you won't remember one thing when you wake up and you know you'll be tired as hell. Friggin things...

The eve of Turkey Day is here. I swear to god just last weekend was Halloween. Wasn't it? C'mon, it had to be. Time has FLOWN by! After moving some things around, mostly our TVs and an entertainment unit to different rooms, we sat down to watch one of those TVs oddly enough. More of the "Kramer" offensive jokes stuff was alllll over the news. To be honest, it's boring. He's not a leader of a country, a politician, etc. He's an actor (somewhat of a has-been) who said something he shouldn't have. He didn't throw babies into a burning fire or murder a foreign tourist at Disneyland. Right? Maybe I'm missing what should make this such a headline issue. I heard his video. I would never say what he did, but that's me. I heard a crowd member call him a "cracker" amongst the squabble. Why isn't that guy on the news? Who cares right? Exactly! Who in this world hasn't said something they didn't mean at least once in their life. We all have our moments. Get over it. Label him someone you'd never want to go hear tell jokes and move on. Let's worry about the real issues in the world. They're actually trying to sue him for pain and suffering. OH..... MY......WORDS........ Truly, I'm embarassed for those who are suing him. They are really going to try to get blood from a stone aren't they!?!?!

Speaking of real issues, how about them Firefighters. (Play along, I'm doing my best at coming up with a transition) I've seen this video MANY times, still cracks me up. I posted a Ross video a few months back, this one cracks me up as well!


posted by Xrystofer @ 11/22/2006 02:45:00 PM,


At 4:18 AM, November 28, 2006, Blogger Gay boy comes to London said...

The block happens to all of us, least we still know you're alive :P. Hope you had a nice thanksgiving.

At 9:07 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

i currently have this block!

and thanks for the Ross video! so hilarious!!! and that firefighter who didn't mind wearing speedos is hot! lol


At 1:12 AM, January 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude...what's up? It's been a while. I'm going to start posting in my blog again, so you can check for updates again. A lot has happened and I haven't even made a blog post since July. I hope you're doing well. Take care.


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