New Year and a New Chapter
January 11, 2007
*cough choke sputter* Sorry, I have to get my blogging fingers back into shape. Nearly two months, yikes. I think that's the longest I've gone without typing in here since I started. I work at a couple different buildings now, so I don't have much time to read any blogs at work during my lunch breaks. So, I've got to do it all at home, which means working this in and not taking away from my TV and tivo schedule. Afterall, TV is like crack for me.
To be honest, not much has changed in my slice of life. However, I thought that since it's the new 007 year, I should resume ranting when needed. By the way, good to hear from all of you.
- Brandon: It's about FRIGGIN time you post again! *taps foot*
I've really come to wonder how to handle things on here. I see why many of you have kept a bit of anonyminity on here. It is easier. I have often had things happen in my life I'd like to put on here, but know friends read, and don't want them to be upset. Not everyone likes to have their lives blogged about. So, I have to keep things to myself. Sure I could change the names, but still, they would know even if others didn't know who I was talking about.
I understand the annonymous aspect now. At first, I didn't rather puzzled me. "Why would someone be so afraid to say names and show pictures, etc?" Well, it's because it makes it easier to say what is truly on your mind. I get it..... I do.
I'm not sure what spin I'll put on this so that I can share more and not be afraid of offending friends, etc. It'll be a project that is ever-changing. Maybe I can figure something out.
So, I will post more of my happenings from the Middle of the US. Not sure, maybe more pictures...we'll see.
Until then...take care everyone and I won't keep being a stranger.
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/11/2007 10:56:00 AM,