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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

Just a bunch of junk I tell you!

Ok so I've read about this " find the brownie " game and couldn't figure out what it really was. Then I found the original article after several blogs. And I love it. It's one of those articles that just stands out that say so much in just the right amount of space. The article is HERE. I suggest reading it if you like finding humor in the unqualified abilities of those who are supposed to be model citizens and leaders of the US (world).
Speaking of the US and leaders...anyone have a nice well maintained hybrid car they are wanting to sell at a reasonable price? *wink* I think we're considering selling the Nissan Frontier or Cadillac and getting a hybrid. This gas crap is ridiculous. Our friggin' government, budget, and resources are stretched so thin we can't even handle something like the price of gas with any sort of countability. Our government can't even regulate it's own self, let alone gas prices, emergencies, etc. Our leadership just blows. We've got a million chiefs and not enough warriors. Blah... it's disappointing to see how loosey-goosey restrictions are, but regulations mean nothing. Bush and so man others are Dumb-Dumbs (as the chat room would say it).
Putting the government aside for a few moments, I decided to not write about TV today and just blab abit. Here's the most recent activities I have partaken in recently:

Saturday 9/24/05 my brother Travis got married! It was great, he looked so happy and SOOO nervous. The service was small and intimate, and the reception was large and energetic. He has such an awesome group of friends and support from every branch of all the respecting family trees.

Bowling started. So our super uber mega team is starting off a little weak on the uber, or maybe the super, but we'll get there. We just need to find our groove, thank god it's only been two weeks. *grin*

Refinancing the house. We just did this and we're so relieved to have in a locked rate and know for the next 15 years things aren't going to possibly change for the worse. WOOHOOO

So.... how about that hybrid car....anyone selling?

posted by Xrystofer @ 9/27/2005 08:00:00 AM,


At 9:28 AM, September 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"anyone have a nice well maintained hybrid car they are wanting to sell at a reasonable price?"

Now THAT is funny. I have been told by the local Toyota dealer that there is a 6 month wait for the Prius and the Highlander. Utter Crap.

Make yourself feel better and head on over to www.fuh2.com

At 9:45 AM, September 27, 2005, Blogger Xrystofer said...

I've been to that site, funny as heck! I thought I'd give it a try as I've heard the same thing about the waiting list... *grumble*

Thanks for the comment yo!


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