Cirque du Soleil Mystere
November 09, 2005
TICKETS! My Cory got me tickets to a Cirque du Soleil show. The show is Mystere and it is playing at Treasure Island Casino. He's not a fan of Cirque at all, but I'm sure he'll think twice when he see's it live. How awesome is that.... we're spending more on the show than our hotel the whole time we are there.. but he got them cuz he knows how much I have wanted to see a show. We got 2nd row seats from the stage! This is a view of the stage similar to what we have... of course, we'll be the 2nd row from the front...

I'm in a state of bliss...I've dreamed of going to a Cirque du Soleil show since I was a sophmore in HS...
This is a link to the show, which you can click on the right hand side your bandwidth selection and see a preview of the show:
Damn I can't wait. We're going the 10:30 show on 12/1/05.
See what a great guy I got!?!?!
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/09/2005 06:56:00 PM,