Next Time
October 27, 2005

Well, the call came in yesterday. "This is so and so, just wanted you to give me a call back. They made their decision for the ____ ______ position you applied for." Meaning "not this time" in corporate speak. Eh.. so I just work a little harder for next time. I'm not really bothered, the guy they chose has a lot more experience in the training field than I do, and that is really where they need the strength. Next time!
So, Cory get's back a day earlier... TODAY! Thank god. I was seriously starting to question my sanity when I realized I was actually having conversations with the cat and dog at the same time. Boy things have changed. I used to find I was so comfortable being alone for long periods of time. During the summer at college, there were only a handful of us that stayed on campus in the summer dorms. Honestly... maybe 5-10 each summer. There would be spans of days that I would not see another human, and I didn't mind at all. Now I would go bonkers! O.k. even more bonkers than I already am. *shudders*
So in an effort to keep my sanity, I spent all night on the phone yesterday. Several hours spent talking to my older brother, Dad, and Cory. My dad and mom are coming up to Omaha next weekend to help Cory and I put the wood floor down in the kitchen and family room (my older brother said he'd some help as well...thank god). WOOHOO! We've only had the damn flooring for months, now we get to put it all down and I'm crossing my fingers we'll be happy with it. It's going to cover about 550 sq feet between the two rooms, so it's quite a task. My only concern is how much cooler it's going to make those two rooms. Hopefully not to much to make the winter months annoying in those areas. I doubt it, but I'm sure there will be a noticble difference not having carpet in the family room. However, what it will look like should waaaaaaaay outweigh that aspect. Poor Sophie is going to hate it, she'll have no traction while trying to chase the balls and cat; she already struggles in just the kitchen tile. Perhaps we'll get her a dog helmet to protect her poor little noggin. HAHA
Cory get's back at 2:04 today, we've got lots of tv to catch up on and got to get the two rooms ready for the flooring. That means carpet to rip up...anyone want to come help? We'll provide the beer and vodka. Anyway...later!
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/27/2005 07:37:00 AM,
- At 12:30 PM, October 27, 2005, said...
I am sorry you didn't get the promotion. I really had my hopes set up high for you. But as you say, maybe next time. As for the flooring, um no thank you. Me and wood don't go well together. I have a problem of getting more splinters in me than on the ground when getting the boards loose. I am really happy Cory is getting to come home sooner than expected as I know how you hate being alone. I talk to Bryans cat, Dolly, as she cusses me out I am sure as we have hellacious coversations and she always wins. She knows what I am saying as when I say I am going to slap your ass she runs and hides between the sofa and love seat. Damn smart cat she is. You two please take care and stay safe as I do love you guys.