I got hard wood baby!
November 01, 2005

Ever have those day's you just can't shake off the sleepies? You yawn and yawwwn and yaaawwwwwnnnnn but still can't wake up? Me too...dang they suck! But whatever, that's not important. I've finally got my parents and both brothers coming up this weekend! They're going to help Cory and I lay the wood floor in the Kitchen and Family Room. 550 sq feet in all I think. I've got my fingers crossed things go smoothly. Cory and I have been getting things ready, tonight we hope to get the carpet all ripped up and the crap off the floor so it's as smooth as possible. I think we can accomplish it, we're not THAT gay...I don't think! *grin* I can't wait for the end product. I'll have before and during and after pictures of course. I don't imagine it'll take longer than this weekend to accomplish it, esp with all us there to do the laying, cutting, trimming, etc. Should go brilliantly!
Enough about the damn floor!
Gay places in Vegas... I know there are a few, but doesn't seem to be as obvious as I thought it would be. I think we'll go to Krave to dance a night or two away, but that's about all. Looks like we'll be hitting the "tourist" places mostly, just to say we've "been there and done that." I'm all about free of course! Oh yeah.. and plenty of pictures of cute guys! ;) The laptop is coming with so we can download pictures to it everyday and not worry about running out of room for pictures. Now if only our video camera were able to hook directly to a PC we could get videos too. Oh well.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/01/2005 10:13:00 PM,
- At 7:56 AM, November 06, 2005, said...
Hello guys: Read your floor, family and Vegas. Hope u both have a wonderful time in Vegas, as I have never been there. Will have to chat with u both when u return. Hope the floor and repairs to your home go smooth and quick. Can't wait to see the pics of both the repairs and of Vegas. Love u guys. God bless and take care; be careful. love, Clyde