Artificially Flavored
November 04, 2005
Ahhh to be walking the path to 5pm Friday, such a wonderful thing. Lots of things going on and things to do this weekend. My younger brother called last night, asking me if we needed his help tonight with getting things ready for the rest of the family coming up Saturday to work on the floor. He's such a good guy. I did sense a little bit of a tone almost asking me something like "I don't want to just come out and say it, but I don't want to be stuck there with Mom and Dad at Travis's all Friday night, can you please drive down and rescue me?" I'm not sure, but that's what I got from it. He knows if he comes to our place we'll just have fun, and he can drink til the cows come home if he wants. So who knows, maybe I was reading too much into it.
Cory and I got the carpet all up, just have to remove the back board and tacking that holds it in place and we should be ready to go with getting the flooring down. I hope.
Other things of interest, and to talk about something other than myself for a moment...Anderson Cooper. He's like "THE HURRICANE Reporter" as most people say. He was at all the hurricanes this summer and last summer reporting for CNN. He's just been signed on to take Aaron Brown's place. Thank god, Aaron Brown just didn't have much of an identifiable personality. And... there's something attractive about Anderson Cooper. I'm not sure what it is yet. I think it might be his personality and his way of reporting and speaking that just makes you listen. He presents things in a very personable way, and he speaks very well. Well anyway, just been reading about that, I'll actually watch CNN 360 now I think with him on it.

The Las Vegas Mayor said he thinks the graffiti artists that deface public areas should have their thumbs cut off on live tv. *ponders* hrmmmm I'm intrigued. That's a little extreme. Why not something more fitting and less violent to yet humiliate them. Maybe on Live TV and on a public square or intersection, they are stipped down and any tax payer that wants to will be put into a drawing and if picked will be allowed to personally walk up with a can of spraypaint and spraypaint the vandal. Let maybe 5 people do that, the vandal would be humiliated in front of a huge croud AND on TV being spraypainted in the buff. Hell, it's Vegas, make it something you could win the privellage of doing on some sort of Slot Machine! I would totally watch that, and it's a fitting punishment. O.k. yeah, not violent and the spraypaint isn't the best thing you'd want on your skin.. but COME ON.. they are taking away money the city could be using to save and help people.. so it works out. And hell, if they are cute, even more reason to watch.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/04/2005 08:00:00 AM,
- At 12:50 PM, November 04, 2005, said...
Please go get Joey, I do love seeing his straight face on cam. God he's hot. And I haven't ever seen your other brothers so I can't say on them but from you and Joey. HOT HOT HOT. He's a joy in your life so be a sweetie and go and get the lil guy and bring him home please for me!!!
Love you both