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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

The waiting game

The wait is on now as I have done both of the interviews. How did they go? Well I think pretty well. I'm a confident person at work and I think I answered the questions the right way. I was told hopefully by the end of the week the decision should be made. What a long week it will be! When I first applied, I honestly still had reservations about whether or not I really wanted it. But then I see it as a good challenge and a way to show my abilities in the company. Also, the extra money would be a very warm welcome indeed. (Gosh it'd be nice to be able to start saving it again lol). Well, I'm not going to be crushed if I don't get it, I only hope that if it's not me, it is someone truly capable of doing the position. Otherwise I'd get cranky, and you don't want to see me cranky! yeah right, I'm hardly intimidating at all... *smirk*

Thanks Darrell and Steve for your comments, little bits of encouragement sure go a long way sometimes. :) I appreciate it alot!

In other news, Cory leaves for Minnesotta tomorrow. He will get back on Friday sometime in the late morning/early afternoon I believe. So... there'll be a couple boring nights alone. I'll have to rely on Sophie and George to provide me with some good entertainment.

posted by Xrystofer @ 10/24/2005 04:04:00 PM,


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