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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

I'm being taunted

The person who stole/hacked my old yahoo acount IM'd my new account. Here's what the person said:

boyz7977: yeep u got hackered up aight haha.

Funny getting IMd from my old screen name. Kind of like hearing your own voice. Luckily though, I hadn't used that account in a long time, so he can keep it if it means so much to him.

In other news. We went to the CWS final game last night. It was fun actually, however I was expecting fireworks and they didn't have any. Bastards...

posted by Xrystofer @ 6/27/2006 10:40:00 AM,


At 1:27 PM, June 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! That happens? But that's totally wrong!

At 3:03 PM, July 05, 2006, Blogger MadeInScotland said...

we had plenty of fireworks on Saturday. It was London hosting EuroPride. It was fab. I even held hands with Billie Jean King and Sir Ian McKellen

At 11:43 AM, July 06, 2006, Blogger Xrystofer said...

I am SOO jealous!

At 4:12 AM, July 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should find this guy and beat him to death with a frozen fish. Just kidding. How are ya doing, man?

At 2:53 PM, July 08, 2006, Blogger Xrystofer said...

If I knew who it was I would. Or I'd at least enlist some big guys to do it for me!

I'm doing great actually, thanks for asking. I'm jumping life's hurdles as best as I can.


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