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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

Caution: Contents Flamable and Addictive

It's Tooooosday, not quite hump day, but one day closer to the weekend. Things at work are so busy and going in every direction. I guess it's a little fun to keep busy and to be creating things as we go, however it is nice to have days where you just know exactly everything you have to do. Routines aren't so bad sometimes...sometimes.

The weather here has been changing so drastically. We go from days that are 90 degrees to the next day being 50 and frost outside. It's rather annoying. Mother nature needs a Xanax so she can just chill for a bit.

Scatter brained today for some reason...

How come so many cool people have to live so far away...

Why am I whining?

posted by Xrystofer @ 10/04/2005 01:57:00 PM,


At 7:58 PM, October 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I missed you in the chat room this weekend partial due my being down Friday nite with a migraine and Saturday was just unbelievable hell in there it was so busy in pm etc. I really hope that you and Cory and the kids are doing great and staying safe. I miss you guys alot.

Love ya



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