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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

Thar she blows...

Hold on to yer hats, it's WINDY here today. Our little "light dusting" turned into a blizzard today here in Omaha. The wind is around 35-40 mph and it's snowing, raining, sleeting. So, for those of you who aren't sure what that combination means... it's a LOT of signs blowing down, trees down, and possibly power lines as the snow clings to everything eventually turning into ice. Winter really sucks.

Cory is lucky, he escaped to Baton Rouge yesterday, and called me last night to inform me it was about 82 degrees there, while the wind was just picking up here....roughly 40 degrees here. He'll be in for a shock when I pick him up at the airport on Thursday, I might be nice and bring him a coat...maybe. ;)

With that all said, it's just me, the dog and cat. I'm thinking it's going to be a night I need to have a fire going and just hang out. Not much more I could do anyways. The roads will be so slick once the sun sets it wouldn't be worth trying to go anywhere. Not that I really have much room to complain, it's our first snow and it's already the middle of November. So ...I'll stop whining.

In other news: Bush's rating is at an all time low, Earthquake hits Japan, and Princess Sayako leaves her title and palace to marry a commoner. Hrmmm are we seeing a trend? Bush is currently in Asia. Asia has problems. C'mon man.. it's BUSH... he's just a DISASTER! Sheesh, why he gotta be livin' here?!?! *pout*

posted by Xrystofer @ 11/15/2005 01:33:00 PM,


At 8:33 PM, November 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you...Just to give you a news flash from Texas...yesterday we had a high of 83 with a low last night of 67. Our high today was in the upper 60's and due to hit 25 tonite. Damn Canadian cold front is blowing in and we have had 30-35 mph winds all day long. I was driving my rig like a drunk man behind the wheel and I don't even drink. They say tomorrow is going to be even worse for us. Thank you for sharing your cold weather with us. And all this time I thought you loved us...LOL



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