After 8 Years
January 26, 2007
That's right. Our 8 year anniversary is today. Hardly seems like it's been that long. (well I guess that depends on the day you ask me!! just kidding)
Being it's a Friday, we're not going to do anything. Restaurants are too busy here in the evening on weekends. Instead, we're going to go out tomorrow and treat ourselves to something good. I'm not sure where we'll go, but it should be much easier to get in somewhere on a Saturday afternoon than a Friday evening.
Often we get asked were we met. I love saying..."Online, in a chat room". Because it's true. At first, we didn't really talk that much. We both contributed to the usually dumb and pointless banter in the chat room, but we would talk ever once in awhile. The first time we actually met, and our attraction was solidified was in a "group meeting" with most of the regulars in the chat room. Everyone decided to meet for lunch and just hang out in person. It was fun, mostly becuse that is where we met. Both of us never said a word to each other I don't think. Mostly we just exchanged looks at one another across opposite ends of the table. It was after that meeting, that we talked online and the rest is history. It took a couple months before we actually started dating, which is what we set our anniversary date on. When we made it official, not our first meeting.
So, what chat was it on and what room? It was on IRC (using the mIRC client). Instant messengers and java chat weren't really around then. The room we met in was #gayomaha.
Ahhhh those were the days.
Labels: anniversary chat dating 8 years IRC
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/26/2007 02:21:00 PM,
- At 12:49 PM, February 17, 2007, said...
Awww, good luck and may you both see more anniversaries together :-)