Crazy Cat
April 19, 2006
Off the normal path my entries normally take, I thought I'd share with the world how my cat George drinks. He won't drink out of a bowl; the water has to be actually moving and fresh. We've gone to the extent of buying him one of the cat water fountains, but that wasn't good enough for him. So...what we do is every morning after our showers, after we get home from work and before bed, we have to turn the water on a slow drip for George to drink. He hops in the bathtub and get's soaked. The water drips and splashes off his head as he crouches down and drinks. You can even hear him drink, it's odd.
Please note the ugly green of the's getting updated this summer thank god. However, please enjoy my "pain in the butt cat" called George!
Man I have strange animals...

posted by Xrystofer @ 4/19/2006 02:39:00 PM,
- At 7:29 PM, April 20, 2006, said...
What else does George drink? I think its cute as hell that he's into the bathtub for his bath and drink. He's learned well from his two dads exactly what to do...LOL
I miss both of you guys alot.
Love ya'