Spring is here....???
March 22, 2006

Hmmm this is the view outside of our patio doors on the first day of spring, 2006...
1 lb weight gain...not much....will keep trying!
Work has been busy, and lots of things going on. Hopefully will be able to get online this weekend...miss you all!
posted by Xrystofer @ 3/22/2006 10:30:00 PM,
- At 11:52 AM, March 23, 2006, said...
I thought you guys had packed up and left the country already its been so long since I heard from you. I hope the snow didn't cause you to miss work as I know how much you love to get there. We were in a drought then we got 6.8" of rain in less than 3 days. Flooded the state now. Can't win for losing. Now we had a freeze last night and due to again tonite. I will be sure to share our cold with you so you don't feel left out or unloved...LOL
Take care