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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

It's been awhile

Things have been pretty CRAZY lately, sorry I neglected this for so long. Wow how time can fly, you know? Well, I've been keeping up on Big Brother of course, drinking my protein shakes, trying to stuff my face and all. Not really any weight gain yet, but I can notice some difference in my arms and stomach. Mostly some muscle tone, so hey... no complaints from me!

In the world of Big Brother...all I can say is.. WTF? Things change so fast, I have wanted to keep updates on here, but there's no way I can. The info would be outdated an hour after I posted it. So...if you want to keep up on the latest you can click on the following link and it has the most current events regarding Big Brother 7 Allstars. Much easier for all of us! Just scroll down a little and you'll see all the major updates. Also, don't forget the two links on the right side of my blog for BB7 sites.

Click here for Big Brother Updates on Sirlinksalot

Cory and I went to go get our passport photos taken today. We've got the urge to travel again, and we're thinking a cruise. Neither of us have been on one before, and they have one going to the Western Coast of Mexico. Included Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas too. We'd love to do that, sounds like a fun time. Of course, money is the biggest issue...we've yet to work out all the details. So, in the meantime, we're getting our passports just to be "prepared".

Moving right along to the next random subject, I checked my email last night for my yahoo account and found an astonishing number of new emails. I figured spam right? Well it turns out that I had put a profile on this new site called Tagworld. It's kind of like Myspace, but well different. Go figure eh? What happened is they have a "most popular" section where on the main page they display a few of the "most popular" members pictures. Well for some reason my picture/icon was on that and my GOD...I couldn't keep up. I went from like 3 friends to nearly 60 I think. Crazy.... Never-the-less, it was flattering. If you're on there.. add me, it's kind of cool and has chat and stuff. Here's my profile or whatever you want to call it.

Xrystofer's Tagworld Profile ... /... Xrystofer's Myspace Profile

For added enjoyment to drinking alcohol...try Sparks. It's an energy drink with either 6% or 7% alcohol. More than a can of beer. You can get buffaloed on them and be so wound up you can't pass out. I suppose you might lay there and twitch a bit, but holy beer goggles Batman, what's more fun than a hyper drunk? And, it doesn't taste to bad either. I give it two thumbs up fo shizzle!

So that's all for now.

posted by Xrystofer @ 7/24/2006 01:26:00 PM,


At 8:44 PM, July 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its about time you came outta your shell and posted to let me know your where abouts young man. I thought you had flown the coop and wasn't ever coming back. Lordy its good to see you home again. I miss you and Cory. Hope you guys aren't burning up.

Love ya both



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