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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

To tell you what I think...

Whatever happened to the American President being the "Servant of the American People"? When did the constitution stop being important? When was it "o.k." to break the law on a regular basis? When did the USA decide to avert it's eyes and allow a demi-fascist power monger to represent it's people and rule over them as if they were incompetent slaves unable to determine what's best for them? Well...I'm not sure of an exact date, but I can narrow it down to roughly 6 years ago when George W. Bush was elected and brought to power.
Day by day, it's growing apparent that Bush does not care what the American people think; unless "the people" are those who control the top 20% of the US finances and wealth, or are nestled deep within a very one sided Christian Conservative Regime. Those of us who work middle income, low-income jobs are merely statistics used to sway some sort of speech or lecture. Truly, we're turning into nothing more than numbers used to prove points, not determine our future. Bush is not concerned about his approval. Why? Because he knows it realistically doesn't matter. He holds the ultimate power, and if he doesn't, he'll just sign some new secret document saying he does. Total disregard for the foundation laws signed during the founding days of The United States of America. He is willing and now able to do so without a threat of damage, moral obligation or sleep at night. And we allow it. Every day we do. It's not that the American people just say "o.k.", but it appears many have simply given up. I know I have for one. Sure I vote, but with much reserve and doubt. I know that I’m one of the few who feel the way I do that is going to go vote. And that’s where the problem lays. Instead of showing up in masses, we’ve grown complacent to sit back and take the cards that are dealt to us even when we suspect a stacked deck. Perhaps this is because many, like me, are growing ashamed to be American in some small sense of the word.
The U.S.A and its people; we’ve revolutionized the world with our freedoms, open-minded thoughts, inventions and laws. We ratified the idea of acceptance in our earliest days. We opened new lands to complete strangers and those who were different. We brought forth true fellowship.
I’ll remind you that we’re all here because our ancestors moved to this land. It’s not our originating soil; we’re all ethnically different. So why now are other countries looked upon as “others” and not as our originating homelands? Because we’ve lost confidence in ourselves, we’ve grown accustom to blaming others for our problems. After 9/11, we allowed Bush to contrive our Patriotism by using our rejuvenated strength and legendary values to attack and dispense a new type of fear on the world. He didn’t unite us under the strength of freedom and solidarity, instead he united us under a false sense of Patriotic Duty showing us it was and still is o.k. to kill others who don’t believe what we do. And we fell for it by letting him amass unchallengeable power and attack those who he disagrees with. Perhaps we can call this Conservative Corporate Terrorism; I think it sounds about right.
Yes, I’m a citizen in powerful country who probably takes for granted some of the freedoms I have. However, I do not disrespect them. The USA is a country that was built by great minds and even greater hearts. A wall if you will, who’s every stone is unique. So, why should I not feel a sense of comfort and warmth when I say, “I’m an American”? Perhaps because I’m a little afraid of what that means in 2006, and who will hate me for saying it. Is it bad to be an American, maybe not, but it’s apparent many people think so. Americans can’t go to many countries now for fear of being killed simply because of the country they come from. Killed because of their citizenship! What terror Bush has instilled in our world.
Will other countries be smart and learn from our mistakes? Will their citizens show the compassion towards us that so many of us are looking for? I am sure I’m not alone when I say “I think so”. So it’s time we looked towards our neighbors and fellow Americans and decide we’re not a country that was created to be ruled by persons who refuse to listen. The USA was born because it’s people grew and listened to one another. Our power comes from our ability to accept those that are different. We can’t lose that. We need to show the Government that used to be “of the people and for the people”, that we Americans accept those who do not believe in a similar God, are of the same color of skin, have same sex partners or speak the same language. We accept them, and their differences and will take those differences and strengths to rebuild our country and it’s spirit. A man who refuses to listen to those whom he serves will not rule us any longer. We are not slaves to our country, we are Americans and we are going to change things for the better. The only way we can make these changes is to vocalize and act on our words. We must vote! We must listen! We must work together no matter our differences. We must be Americans.

posted by Xrystofer @ 7/26/2006 10:05:00 AM,


At 12:56 PM, July 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOOD LORD HAVE MERCY!!!!! I love your post. I knew you could be serious from time to time but you hit the nail on the head on this one. I wish you were running for President I would vote for you in a heart beat no questions asked. Love you guys.


At 1:33 PM, July 26, 2006, Blogger Xrystofer said...

*grin* What can I say...I felt a little motivated for some reason. I wish I could get more people to read it and step back and think about what really matters in life. Thanks D...love ya!

At 5:47 PM, July 26, 2006, Blogger Gay boy comes to London said...

Here here. Actually, it was a toss up between going to the US or London to seek my fortune. I would have loved for it to be the US..

I chose London primarily for the freedom to be gay and happy here, secondly, Uncle Sam don't really like us guys who have Muslim names. Who ever heard of a gay terrorist? lol.

Good post.


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