What a Day!
August 15, 2006
Summary of a bad start to a Monday - It's my first day to work after the shakedown that occurred Friday. The company I work for went through some "cleaning up" and I lost nearly everyone that worked above me in the food chain. A couple hundred people company wide were "cleaned up" and I was left leaderless. Needless to say, I didn't want to come to work on Monday, even though I was feeling lucky to have a job...whew. Everyone that was let go was done around 11:00 that Friday so things should be cool, even though I just lost my boss, boss’s boss, etc. So let's keep moving right along shall we?
My daily morning meeting goes well, not to bad, we’re laughing and such. It’s about over and a co-worker comes in and asks me to stick around for a minute after the meeting. Which I do, we’ve know each other for along time, and she had the tone that is wasn’t exactly work related, something more personal she wanted to tell me real quick. Well.. she looks at me and goes “ (name) was just fired.” My jaw drops… This was supposed to be done Friday AND.. the big thing is…the person fired has been here longer than I have and does the exact same position as me, just at a different building. Can you tell…I was a little skurd at that moment? I figure, my time just might be coming and I’m going to be sitting at my desk paranoid all day. Just hoping no immediate, unscheduled meetings are suddenly scheduled for me!
At work, I have my normal Monday reports I have to do that recap the previous week. I send these reports out to everyone and their dogs. I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't seen a copy of one somewhere... Well because of a communication error, one of the forms my team uses was switched too early last week. That meant I had to run double the amount of reports and well.. average all that junk together to get a single number for the items I report on. That's enough to make me grumpy...
I've got my spreadsheet going along, still trying to wake up, things are going as good as possible. I've mastered the right formula to do the work for me.. I'm inputting numbers.... and.... then......
I'm sitting in complete blackness. Literally blackness. Fucking power for the whole area of town goes out.
no power...
Well, my little closet/office has no windows, and the backup generator for some reason decided to run only half the building at total random. I start to feel my way out of my closet/office and get out unharmed. My reports are gone. *sigh* I figured not much I can do with no computer and lights so I hang around awhile until eventually the power comes back on. Then I go back to restart the work, luckily it’s nearly lunchtime!
Well – there is more, but I’ll stop with the sob story. My point to all this isn’t sympathy, it’s that when bad things happen, they REALLY happen. Lovely eh?
I’m not sure why I posted all this, it means absolutely nothing to anyone reading this, but maybe you might find it humorous. I’ll use my miserable day for humor, I don’t mind…
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/15/2006 10:21:00 AM,
- At 12:07 PM, August 15, 2006, Gay boy comes to London said...
For starters, I don't mind reading cause it's all about real life what you write and genuine. Good, bad, happy - all part of life I guess. But, you're ok, and that's good. Say with me: 'I will survive' :-)
- At 1:06 PM, August 15, 2006, said...
Now this is a huge shocker that they fired so many when you told me a few weeks ago about the expansions. Did they give any reason .. good one.. as to why they fired the upper management personnel and others? I am so happy you didn't get the axe as well as you and Cory have finally got things going in the right direction. Gotta love the Corporate world for sure.
Love you guys