August 08, 2006
So we've had a couple days of rain so far. You know it's odd how it was so hot and so dry, and boom things change. I think last night we recovered from the 4 inches of rain we were behind this year. The storms last night were amazing. The thunder actually shook the house, now that was awesome. It's been awhile since I remember laying in bed with constant lightning and thunder and rain. Yeah, it kept me up because I'm such a light sleeper, but damn it was worth it. The lawns around Omaha have gone from crunchy brown to full and green in just a couple days, nice to see!
Elsewhere, Big Brother continues to get crazy. Dr Will is waking up and he's getting good. Again, I won't spoil it for ya, but you can read it here for the time being. I think you'll enjoy!
For those of you reading this on tagworld. I'm sorry, but I can't get the rss feed on tagworld to work, so bear with me, I'm TRYING. hahaha
A quick "hey" to Brandon from "The Bodybuilding Journal". It was cool to chat with you this weekend. I'm glad you IM'd me, and dude, you are one dedicated guy! Most impressive indeed, you keep making me want to imrove a little more each time. Thanks for that!
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/08/2006 09:23:00 AM,
- At 4:26 AM, August 10, 2006, Gay boy comes to London said...
He's got a pretty good site, had a look as well. London has been seeing a mix of weather these past few weeks, tho more sunshine than rain - I prefer the warm than the cold anyway seeing that I come from the tropics.