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The inside scoop on what all happens to a 32 year old guy in Omaha, Nebraska. You won't find all the latest gossip or reviews. Instead, you just get me and my world.

So it's snowing. The white stuff has returned preceeded with freezing rain and sleet. For those of you who aren't familiar with the combination in this order.. it's like if you had on a pair of socks and tried running around on a huge floor of glass covered in sand or sugar. It's slick and just as annoying as your neighbors dog barking at 2:30 am. Hopefully we won't get much snow and it'll melt next week....hopefully!
Cory goes to Spokane next week...Monday thru Thursday. It so boring when he leaves! I am a fairly creative person, but there's only so many conversations you can have with your dog and cat! If I don't wind up sleeping the entire time he's gone it might be a good time to get online. I haven't been on much, kinda miss the people, don't miss the normal drama. Yahoo chat has just grown into such a mess lately. The oddest of odd people now monopolize the "non-spambot" conversations. SO while you are fighting off the bots and their cliche ads, the freaks are circling you...waiting to dive in. (Okay so it's not thaaat bad, but you get my point). I never used the user rooms in yahoo, but I wish they'd come back so the people that did use them could go back there.
In other news, Mads Mikkelsen is the new bad guy in the upcoming Bond film. He was good as Tristan in King Arthur. So maybe I'll watch this Bond movie.. I haven't seen any of the new ones. For some reason I just can't get the thought out of my head everytime I see Pierce Brosnan of my mom going "He's just so good looking" everytime we watched Remington Steel. It's forever jaded me... FOREVER!!!!

Well...that's it. Leave me a comment if you read this, I'm curious just how many people do. Seems I blab and blab, but at least I'm keeping you updated Tex... ;)

posted by Xrystofer @ 2/16/2006 08:40:00 AM,


At 7:49 PM, February 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know how much I love reading your post and minding your business and all but you didn't have to share your bad weather with us love. We hit 91 today and its already dropped to the 60's and suppose to hit the upper 20's tonite with sleet and ice accumlating on Saturday. Screws my weekend up at Walmart for sure. Oh well maybe Chris will be online so I can terrorize him and find out more about his past month that you have been AWOL leaving me all alone with the bots. I do miss you seriously and pray that Cory has a safe trip. I miss you guys.



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