Computers, Hockey and Bowling Oh MY
February 13, 2006

What a fun weekend. We've gotten into such a rutt of not really doing anything during the weekend, it was kind of nice to go out and actually be with people! Saturday, Cory and I went to Lincoln to my brothers. He had some computer problems he needed my help with and I had been given two tickets to the Lincoln Stars Hockey game that night. So we spent most the day there with them; they did leave for awhile as my niece Mia had a baskeball game to play. The hockey game was great, they really put on a show and make it exciting. Of course Cory and I know absolutely nothing about hockey. Literally...nothing. Icing, Slashing, Off-Sides, no clue. We didn't even know how many periods there were. Anyway, it was fun.
Sunday we had bowling and we won 3 out of the 4 games. I bowled the best I have ever done, beating my high game ever again this year. I bowled a 177, a 258, and a 226. I totally rocked, and I'm not sure why. The pins just kept falling, it was fun. Next weekend is the Ice Bowl tournament. I hope I do as good then as I did this weekend. I could win some money!! Cross your fingers for me, do a special dance or whatever! Even if I don't do that good, it'll be a great time, the bowling alley is usually packed all weekend.
posted by Xrystofer @ 2/13/2006 09:54:00 AM,
- At 7:33 AM, February 14, 2006, said...
So it really is true that things do get better with age? Just kidding. You are a great man thats why you are doing so well at your game. I have never watched a hockey game in person but I do love to watch it on tv for the fights...LOL Stay sweet and best of luck to you and Cory.
- At 8:20 AM, February 14, 2006, Xrystofer said...
Well thank you for your comments! I think the energy you get from the crowd and fans helps drive the excitement of sporting events. On TV you just don't get that interaction. So for no sporty people like me, being there with a few thousand crazy fans makes the energy contageous. And yeah.. the fighting and's like a cross between Wrestling, Figure Skating and Polo! wow...