Thursday already and I'm so glad. Hard getting back to work after a vacation. Almost as hard as it is to find motivation to work BEFORE a vacation. Seems there are always more fun filled distractions at that time than any other time. And if you all know me... I'm easily distracted.
I have to talk a little about LOST. Last night was the finale.. and uhm...well it just plain rocked. Sure they answered a few questions...but those answers were really just bigger questions masked as quick answers. My mind was racing trying to figure things out. The one thing that really stuck out was Libby. When she was in the flashback with Desmond, meeting at the coffee shop she said something that just stuck out. I didn't catch it, but Cory did. She said the boat she had, that she was wanting to give to Desmond was that of her late husband Dave. DAVID as in the "invisible" friend Hurley had/has. Now she was at the same mental institution Hurley was at, and that is when he had this friend. Is it a connection? It's got to be... the show is to clever for that to be just some very wild coincidence. But what exactly is this parallel? Hell if I know...and I'm thinking though she died on the island, she's going to be showing up a lot. Libby has a much more involved and cohesive role than has been let on. At least in my opinion anyway. I have looked at several message boards, and haven't really heard anyone talking about it... perhaps it's because it's not something as big as the whole friggin sky turning white and the loud noise when Desmond turned the key...but it's definitely important. Right?
Speaking about birthday was a couple weeks back. It was the week we went to Puerto Vallarta actually. Well, today I got a call from our friend Amy. Her and Annie were outside my work and wanted me to come out. So... I did of course. They had bought a birthday present for me and gave it to me. It's a white gold ring/band. It's incredibly amazing. I haven't had a ring for a couple years, and Cory's wearing one I gave him a long time ago. They could have gotten me a little silver one from Walmart and I wouldn't have known, but this is very sharp looking. I was shocked. I asked them both when the gave it to me "so...are you guys like moving away..? Dying of cancer?" and they laughed. I couldn't believe the amount of money they must have spent on it. It's very nice. So, I have to thank them both for it, I didn't know what to say when I was out there. I felt bad the only thing I really got them from Mexico were the two sea shells! LOL Most the stuff there was so touristy and cheap it wasn't worth the pesos to buy.
Having been in the office and working, I can already see my tan getting lighter I swear. I think it's time for the tanning beds tomorrow, just to get that nice brown glow back, make me feel like I just got back from the beach. Screw the wrinkles, I think I can handle a little baking out in the sun and the beds.
Also, Saturday Cory, Annie, Amy and I are going to go see X-Men III. It looks great, and I used to love the X-Men comics. Should be a good time. I'll post about it if it wasn't as good as I am expecting. But I assure you, I bet it will be even better.
posted by Xrystofer @ 5/25/2006 12:38:00 PM,
Puerto Vallarta
May 19, 2006
Things went well. So here is a breakdown as closely as possible. Keep in mind...high levels of vodka and beer were consumed, thus a slight blurring of events and time-frames.
Wednesday 5-10-06
Cory and I woke up around 4:45 am to get ready. Our friends Amy and Annie agreed graciously to take Cory and I to the airport so we didn't have to leave a vehicle there. Since our plane left at 7:30am we needed to be at the airport around 6:15ish or so. Well, I called Annie's phone and no answer. Instant panic! So I hung up after leaving a worried voicemail and immediately called Amy. Knowing how much of a morning person she ISN'T... I was almost in tears while the phone rang. Alas.... Amy answered and said they were up and getting ready to be at our house soon. Problem averted and a little bit of sanity came drifting back.
Well the plane left on time and we landed in Houston. Switched planes and then headed off to Puerto Vallarta. We landed there and did the whole customs thing and we were off in the taxi to the Hotel. We stayed at Hotel Mercurio just a block from the gay beach.
That first afternoon we went for a stroll and got something to eat. We found out that the Olas Altas Street was the main street in the Zona Romantica Section we were at. After eating, we went back to the hotel and went to the pool to have a few drinks. That's where we spent the rest of the evening.
Well, since this could go on forever, I'll summarize a bit. We found a few nice clubs and bars there. A beautiful old hacienda-style bar called La Manana. And the loud and more younger crowd, the place called Paco Paco. We spent a few nights there, but since it was the low season there things didn't pick up until around 2 we never really saw the paces get too busy.
We spent several days at the beach, Playa de los Muertos. There, we got the most sun we could ever want and saw some of the cutest pieces of eye candy. Lots of margaritas, daquaries and beer on the beach too... of course. I'll put some pictures up of our adventures too.
yeah...and the picture above I was taking a picture of the two Corona bottles and the water bottle........RIGHT!
We met some really great people, and hope to keep in touch with them for a long time. Our friend Bobby from Palm Springs made the first several days just a blast! Hanging out with him at the hotel pool was so much fun, too bad I don't remember each little bit. HAHA darn vodka...
(warning - Oso Negro Vodka is cheap...very cheap...and it tastes like it. blech)
Well...needless to say we had such a great time and couldn't possibly write it all in here.
Talk to you all later, sorry for the delay in the postings...
posted by Xrystofer @ 5/19/2006 10:21:00 AM,