October 26, 2006
So Delirium was good. Actually quite good indeed. We got there around 6pm, the show scheduled to start at 7. We eventually circled the arena and found where we were sitting. We had 2nd row seats which I was quite proud of. So, as we started the decent down to our seats inside, I started to grow a bit nervous. This stage is huge, and spans the the entire length of the center arena floor. Thinking to myself, "oh man, we're going to be to close to see the whole thing". But, we continued down and down and down til the lovely lady showed us right where we sat. Literally, we were about 7 or 8 feet from the stage. Pretty cool!
Cory and I got sat, then decided we had about 40 minutes still so we ran back up to get something to snack on and something to drink. We fought the lines and made our way back and ate just before the opening act. A lady named Neitze or something like that. She was good, amazing voice and interesting music. I can't pinpoint the exact style or heritage of the music, but I think it was more "worldly" than specific to one certain region.
After she was done. (about 20 minutes or so) they had a 15 minute intermission and then the show started. I won't go into all the details, but it was beautiful. Yeah, we were close enough to see the sweat dripping off thier faces, but that actually is what I liked. We might have missed some of the over all effect, but the closeness made it feel more intimate. Plus if I might add, added to the delight of watching some of the performers. I'm glad people couldn't see where I was staring, because quite often I was oogling over a few of the dancers. LOL. I mean... well... wow. A couple times Cory and I looked at each other and just went "wow". So yeah, being that close up had it's advantages.
If you've never been to a Cirque show, this isn't the one to judge the rest of them on. This one focused more on the music and feeling rather than extreme human physical skills. There are a few numbers and performers that are absolutely amazing to watch. Ones where you watch thinking that just isn't possible. I know I walked away from a few of them thinking "Wow I feel rather pathetic. I can't even do one hula hoop, let alone one on each leg and arm". Just kidding. But you get my point.
If you have the chance...go see it. If not, go to Vegas and check out one of those shows!
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/26/2006 09:45:00 AM,
DA DA Delirium...
October 24, 2006
Tonight's the night for our third Cirque du Soleil show. Delirium is in town tonight and tomorrow and we have tickets. I can't wait to be completely honest. We've seen two shows in Vegas (Mystere and Zoomanity) and loved 'em. I'm hoping this one is similar. I've read a lot of good and bad reviews, so I'm going in with an open mind... well as much as one can who has a profound sense of "awe" everytime he thinks about them. I wish I could take a camera in, but I won't chance it. The last thing I need is my camera taken from me just to snag a picture. Plus there are plenty of them on and If you're curious... click here Let's hope the 2nd row seats don't let me down!
Speaking of being let down, this last weekend was a bummer. I was lucky enough to catch some random cold or something similar last Thursday. By the time the weekend rolled around all I did Saturday was sleep and watch tv. I guess it was o.k.. since it was the first snow we had, which meant a gloomy day where all you want to do is sleep and snuggle up under a blanket. However, it still sucked. What can you do right?
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/24/2006 07:34:00 AM,
Porn and Movie Cars
October 17, 2006
I'm trying to straighten out a few things in my poor lil noggin'. I'm on Lots of new headlines for the day, etc and I see a story line that reads "recovering porn addict". I'm confused by this. I know many people have addictive personalities, and have issues controlling themselves around certain things. But porn addiction... like, just porn, not actually sex, just porn.. looking at it etc. HUH?
Now don't get me wrong, I surf xtube daily, etc but I am wondering how you become addicted to it. And how do you know? I suppose if you are on your way to work, you're in your car/truck/van/suv/svu/or whatever and suddenly have to slam on your brakes to stop; you reach your hand out in the progress to stop your portable DVD player, which is playing a porn you burned last night to dvd for your morning commute, from crashing in to the might have a problem. But I'm sure that's a pretty blown out of proportion scenario. Or is it?
I can understand those addicted to sex, but is looking at porn as satisfying? I guess maybe it is for some. As I mentioned before, I have my share of it on my comptuer(s) but I do not have "issues" if I can't watch it or look at it for a day, week, etc. Perhaps the issue is with marriage that this comes into play as a major deal. I do understand, a wife jealous her husband watches porn she finds distasteful could be upset. (In a sarcastic tone) as we all know, sex is "dirty and wrong" even though we're all on this planet because of it. addiction. Confusing.....
One last thing that has been on my mind today. I watched the movie "Transporter 2" last night. I liked the first one, so I had to give the sequel a try. How did I like it? ehhhh, it was o.k. My problem wasn't the story, but the fact that this Audi A8 is so damn tough! Now it's one thing to go over a hill on a movie doing 100 mph and not have the car get all tore up, but come on! I honestly lost interest in the plot of the movie, because this car was indestrucable. Not just bullet proof, but abso-freakin-lutely immortal as cars go.
After the car leaped from one parking garage to another garage over a 6 or 7 lane road about 10 stories up...I quietly opened up my laptop and went back to observing some educational videos on ;)
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/17/2006 12:26:00 PM,
Now THAT'S a cow!!!
October 16, 2006
Who knew Roberts Dairy had such big cows. Now I know how they get so much milk..... I couldn't resist taking this picture on the way back to Hastings this summer. I could see this odd thing ahead of me and as I approached and got ready to pass, I had to laugh. Here I was passing the rear end of a GI-NORMOUS cow just cruizing down the interstate. Anyway...I thought the picture was funny.
Can your liver hurt? I think mine does after the weekend I had. Cory's boss is leaving and going back to school soon. That means the damn pager is going to be his full time. So in celebration of his las week of freedom from the small but highly annoying device, we got a hotel room downtown.
Saturday, after lounging around all day we left the house and checked into the hotel. Then we went and got some supper and headed to the bar/club. We got there way early, about 9pm and found a table to sit at and claimed it for the rest of the night. We actually met a couple other people there and had a good time hanging out with them. I'm sure I'm missing some of the details thanks to Cory's idea to get a jagermeister shot when I was well on my way to happiness. Oh well....
We got up pretty early Sunday, since the dog was still at home and most likely had to go outside REALLY REALLY badly. At 3, we went to bowling w/ my brother and continued drinking...
Man I miss the days when I never got a hangover!
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/16/2006 01:44:00 PM,
Well hello there!
October 12, 2006
It's cold. Friggin BRRRRR cold and I don't like it. I already sit and think of the summer and or Mexico, the sun, ocean.....oooooh. Gosh that sounds nice. Seeing the trees turning colors, leaves falling and frost on the cars is actually pretty depressing to me. I just don't like the winter. My goal in life (well ok one of like a million goals) is to live where there are palm trees! Cuz palm trees mean tropical climates. Now that sounds groooovey to me!
I wish it still looked like "THIS" downtown in Omaha... golly jee!
In other news in my life...
Staring, I think I have a problem staring. Not just at anyone, but only certain "eye candy" people. I'm turning into those old nasty guys that don't look away when you catch them staring at you. The ones that will wink or smile when you catch them staring at you. There is a man, I don't know his name that does this at the bowling alley. Truly, it's disgusting and creeps me out. If I am near where he is, I literally get nervous because I know I can't blink without him watching. Now, if I looked like Brad Pitt or the likes, I could understand this. However a scrawny guy like me.... I just don't get it. Perhaps one of these days I'll have the strength in me to tell him to get lost, however I think that if I acknowledge him, it'll only get worse. Oh well.... So, I stare. Hmmm I can't help it. Now I'm not quite as bad as those uber-stare people, but I do like to watch. I guess you could say I just fancy the aesthetic things in life a lot. ;) Whatever, I'm just making excuses for my bad habits. I tend to do that. Keeps me optimistic!
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/12/2006 09:23:00 AM,