Let me redirect...
December 22, 2005
It's been awhile since regular posting. Perhaps I've lost a bit of ambition. Seems all the regular blogs I've gone to almost daily have died off, and that's affected my motivation. Is it the seasons and holidays that have everyone preoccupied? Perhaps...
I've found a new hobbie I plan on taking up after X-mas. I plan on spending time at our local best-buy a few nights a week. On a recent gift hunt there I found myself surrounded by more eye candy I knew could exist in one building. Maybe I should just get a part-time job there so I can get paid for being there. I'd have to find a way to keep from tripping over my tongue though...I'll work on that this weekend maybe!
posted by Xrystofer @ 12/22/2005 01:53:00 PM,
Pictures of Vegas
December 09, 2005
Here are some pictures we took on in Vegas...
Click Here for Pictures
I'll post more when I get over my cold and feel better.
posted by Xrystofer @ 12/09/2005 11:02:00 AM,
I've returned...
December 07, 2005
More to come later

posted by Xrystofer @ 12/07/2005 11:58:00 AM,
SNOW...Disaster strikes...
December 01, 2005
11/30/05 8:50PM
We’re on the plane, stuck. We’ve been on the plane for about 1 hour and 50 minutes, maybe a little longer. We boarded the plane around 7:00 pm. Our original take off time was 6:51 pm. It started snowing in Omaha around 4:15 or so, and just got worse. We sat on the plane at first waiting to get de-iced. A process that took much longer than expected. Then, when fully de-iced and hopes were up…”Attention ladies and gentleman…we have been grounded for approx 25 minutes as Minneapolis is experiencing snow and cannot handle more incoming planes. Then… about 30 minutes later…”Attention Ladies and gentleman, more good new… we’ve been grounded longer, and we will have to be de-iced again before we can take off. It may appear you might not be in time to reach your connection flights. Our flight from Minneapolis is supposed to leave approx 9:30…so…we’re screwed. What a great way to start our vacation to Vegas..
12/01/05 1:25 am
THe plane had to be de-iced 3 times...they stated they had to have Midwest Express come de-ice our plane cuz theirs was not working properly. THUS, that is why we were delayed, not the friggin snow... what bastards. Approx 11:00 or so our plane finally took off. 5 Hours sitting IN the plane, no food... we were all kinda grumpy. We landed in Minneapolis a little after midnight, and they gave us hotel vouchers thankfully. Now, were in this "LOVELY" cough choke hotel waiting for pizza to be delievered at 1?30 in the morning... haven't eaten since 2:30 the day before. ;)
Wish us luck.. we leave in 6.5 hours for the airport to catch our flight... I'll try and post a picture of our luxurious room later...pizza is here.
posted by Xrystofer @ 12/01/2005 01:24:00 AM,