A matter of honesty...
August 31, 2006
It's no secret I'm a tv addict. I watch way to much of it. However, it saves me from spending money doing other things, so I roll with it. Cory and I have a few theories that seem to hold true regarding tv (remember we have a tivo unit that can record two shows at once even while we watch a recorded show):
1) If we watch a show from the start (as in a series premier) it usually won't last more than a season. Those that we don't start watching usually go on to be huge hits and we're forced to catch up on it later on. I'm not sure why we're cursed as such, but never-the-less it usually holds true. Recent examples:
Shows we watched and LOVED - Commander in Chief, Surface, Invasion, E-Ring. All cancelled, and some didn't even make it the entire season
Shows we didn't watch - Bones, House, The Loop, Dancing/Skating with the Stars. They all are still on.
2) The Cutie Factor - this factors in both TV and movies, especially horror movies or thrillers. The cute guy in the pack dies or leaves the show in a very inappropriate way far to soon. I'm not talking the handsome leader guy that is usualy in the pack, but the one cute one that has the sly grin, great personality and some sort of "Come here I want to pinch those cheeks" innocense about em. Think about this, and see if you catch it when watching a movie. Cory and I routinely say it aloud to one another as soon as the hottie get's whacked about 30 minutes into a show.
Ok, so it's nothing scientific, perhaps just observations. But on to honesty. I watch a lot of shows in the fall, easily 20 or more shows that are on weekly. How do I pick what shows to watch? Well it's not that different than most people. The simple "Hmmm that looks interesting" usually is first because the show's premise is something I enjoy. Then comes the reason I watch about 10 or more shows than I would if I went by interest alone. The guys... I have to admit I have stood by and watched some awful shows because of the regular weekly appearance of a hottie.
Take for example the new show that just started on FOX called "Justice". Remotely interesting premise, however the last thing we need are more lawyer or investigative dramas. The previews have been on tv this summer, and then I see one of the main characters is Kerr Smith.

Instantly, I have tivo's remote in my hand and am programming it to be recorded. Turns out, it's a great show (which means it probably won't last more than a season at most). No, it's nothing juicy or scandalous, just annoying. It isn't that bad that pick shows to watch sometimes based on the appearance of one or more characters is it?
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/31/2006 10:01:00 AM,
Keeping up Appearances
August 29, 2006
Honestly now, does this new format/scheme/layout/template work? Let me know. It's a rather radical change, but I felt like something different. It fits more in, but seems kind of cold. Let me know. I can switch . . .
**Updated - Ok...one more try. This one is a bit more indepth, and well... uhm editing it really sucked. The flash player for my photos is also gone, however there are a few links to my MySpace page and the Flickr Photos. So now..better or worse?
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/29/2006 10:53:00 AM,
Dogs and Softball
August 28, 2006
I went back to my hometown this weekend. Cory had to be in Spokane, WA and I didn't want to sit at home all weekend and not do a darn thing. My older brother and his softball team had made it to the state finals. There were four classes of teams: A, B, C and D. They were in the C division. I've heard the stories of the softball weekends for the past couple years, and was kind of excited to go be a part of it. The entire team of 10 -12 people all stay at my parents house. The house isn't a small house, yet it's old which means it only has one bathroom. It's well over a hundred years old, and that's the only thing my parents never really did to it over all these years is add another bath. Anyway, we had roughly 15 people all staying there, which meant it looked like a refugee camp the entire time. We even had a tent outside because we simply ran out of floor space.
His team is great, I've know or met most of them previously. Of course, I'm the token gay guy which has it's up and downs. My family is very open about me which is cool. Both of my brothers are quick to tell people about me, as we're pretty close so me being gay is just something their friends have to accept. Getting back to the point, the first night we all go out, and it's the first time I've got to really talk to several of them aside from the quick meeting I may have had with them before. Naturally, about 30 minutes into the night at the bar.. the guys are huddled at one end of the table talking about.. well...things and the girls gathered around me. I'm sure most gay guys know exactly what I'm talking about, girls love us for some reason. It was fun, lots of talk about TV shows, clothes, etc goes on. I get told things because I'm not "threatening" have to touch a few boobs to compare and so on. Overall, was a great time.
One couple that played on the team had just bought a Jack Russell Terrier puppy. Now, my dog is bundles of enegery, and putting her around this 10 week old puppy was, uhm, quite an experience. It was like two panting and snorting white blurrs streaking around the house. They were great, and it was the first time I've really seen Sophie (my dog) wore out. I loved it. My niece Mia got stuck babysitting them most of the time, but she had a blast.
Back to softball. My brother's team (named Dirty Rottens) lost their first game. It is a double elimination tournament so the heat was on. The first year they played, they won 1st place for division C. Last year, the were 0-2 and just didn't do well. So I go to the 2nd game, they win.
The rest of the games go like this:
3rd game = Win
4th game = Win
5th game = Win
6th game = Win
7th game = Win
8th game = Win
This equals State Champions again. 2nd time in 3 years. They were really excited. They're getting older, not that old, but when they were playing young teams in the teens and 20s it was a challenge. I felt so bad for them, they lost a few players to pulls and other injuries. It was amusing to hear them talking about strategy should they lose anymore. I don't think I heard the words "God I know I'm getting older" so many times in my life.
FYI - I haven' t been on yahoo chat much, my network card went out on my pc that I usually chat on, and I haven't been in town the past two weekends, so I promise to try and get the problem resolved. Ya'll can't miss me THAT much....can you?
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/28/2006 01:14:00 PM,
What a Day!
August 15, 2006
Summary of a bad start to a Monday - It's my first day to work after the shakedown that occurred Friday. The company I work for went through some "cleaning up" and I lost nearly everyone that worked above me in the food chain. A couple hundred people company wide were "cleaned up" and I was left leaderless. Needless to say, I didn't want to come to work on Monday, even though I was feeling lucky to have a job...whew. Everyone that was let go was done around 11:00 that Friday so things should be cool, even though I just lost my boss, boss’s boss, etc. So let's keep moving right along shall we?
My daily morning meeting goes well, not to bad, we’re laughing and such. It’s about over and a co-worker comes in and asks me to stick around for a minute after the meeting. Which I do, we’ve know each other for along time, and she had the tone that is wasn’t exactly work related, something more personal she wanted to tell me real quick. Well.. she looks at me and goes “ (name) was just fired.” My jaw drops… This was supposed to be done Friday AND.. the big thing is…the person fired has been here longer than I have and does the exact same position as me, just at a different building. Can you tell…I was a little skurd at that moment? I figure, my time just might be coming and I’m going to be sitting at my desk paranoid all day. Just hoping no immediate, unscheduled meetings are suddenly scheduled for me!
At work, I have my normal Monday reports I have to do that recap the previous week. I send these reports out to everyone and their dogs. I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't seen a copy of one somewhere... Well because of a communication error, one of the forms my team uses was switched too early last week. That meant I had to run double the amount of reports and well.. average all that junk together to get a single number for the items I report on. That's enough to make me grumpy...
I've got my spreadsheet going along, still trying to wake up, things are going as good as possible. I've mastered the right formula to do the work for me.. I'm inputting numbers.... and.... then......
I'm sitting in complete blackness. Literally blackness. Fucking power for the whole area of town goes out.
no power...
Well, my little closet/office has no windows, and the backup generator for some reason decided to run only half the building at total random. I start to feel my way out of my closet/office and get out unharmed. My reports are gone. *sigh* I figured not much I can do with no computer and lights so I hang around awhile until eventually the power comes back on. Then I go back to restart the work, luckily it’s nearly lunchtime!
Well – there is more, but I’ll stop with the sob story. My point to all this isn’t sympathy, it’s that when bad things happen, they REALLY happen. Lovely eh?
I’m not sure why I posted all this, it means absolutely nothing to anyone reading this, but maybe you might find it humorous. I’ll use my miserable day for humor, I don’t mind…
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/15/2006 10:21:00 AM,
Ross the Weatherman
For those of you who don't know who Ross is, you have to watch this. He is absolutely hilarious. Thought I'd post this, it made my day. Ross rocks...toooooo funny.
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/10/2006 10:36:00 AM,
August 08, 2006
So we've had a couple days of rain so far. You know it's odd how it was so hot and so dry, and boom things change. I think last night we recovered from the 4 inches of rain we were behind this year. The storms last night were amazing. The thunder actually shook the house, now that was awesome. It's been awhile since I remember laying in bed with constant lightning and thunder and rain. Yeah, it kept me up because I'm such a light sleeper, but damn it was worth it. The lawns around Omaha have gone from crunchy brown to full and green in just a couple days, nice to see!
Elsewhere, Big Brother continues to get crazy. Dr Will is waking up and he's getting good. Again, I won't spoil it for ya, but you can read it here for the time being. I think you'll enjoy!
For those of you reading this on tagworld. I'm sorry, but I can't get the rss feed on tagworld to work, so bear with me, I'm TRYING. hahaha
A quick "hey" to Brandon from "The Bodybuilding Journal". It was cool to chat with you this weekend. I'm glad you IM'd me, and dude, you are one dedicated guy! Most impressive indeed, you keep making me want to imrove a little more each time. Thanks for that!
posted by Xrystofer @ 8/08/2006 09:23:00 AM,