Next Time
October 27, 2005

Well, the call came in yesterday. "This is so and so, just wanted you to give me a call back. They made their decision for the ____ ______ position you applied for." Meaning "not this time" in corporate speak. Eh.. so I just work a little harder for next time. I'm not really bothered, the guy they chose has a lot more experience in the training field than I do, and that is really where they need the strength. Next time!
So, Cory get's back a day earlier... TODAY! Thank god. I was seriously starting to question my sanity when I realized I was actually having conversations with the cat and dog at the same time. Boy things have changed. I used to find I was so comfortable being alone for long periods of time. During the summer at college, there were only a handful of us that stayed on campus in the summer dorms. Honestly... maybe 5-10 each summer. There would be spans of days that I would not see another human, and I didn't mind at all. Now I would go bonkers! O.k. even more bonkers than I already am. *shudders*
So in an effort to keep my sanity, I spent all night on the phone yesterday. Several hours spent talking to my older brother, Dad, and Cory. My dad and mom are coming up to Omaha next weekend to help Cory and I put the wood floor down in the kitchen and family room (my older brother said he'd some help as well...thank god). WOOHOO! We've only had the damn flooring for months, now we get to put it all down and I'm crossing my fingers we'll be happy with it. It's going to cover about 550 sq feet between the two rooms, so it's quite a task. My only concern is how much cooler it's going to make those two rooms. Hopefully not to much to make the winter months annoying in those areas. I doubt it, but I'm sure there will be a noticble difference not having carpet in the family room. However, what it will look like should waaaaaaaay outweigh that aspect. Poor Sophie is going to hate it, she'll have no traction while trying to chase the balls and cat; she already struggles in just the kitchen tile. Perhaps we'll get her a dog helmet to protect her poor little noggin. HAHA
Cory get's back at 2:04 today, we've got lots of tv to catch up on and got to get the two rooms ready for the flooring. That means carpet to rip up...anyone want to come help? We'll provide the beer and vodka. Anyway...later!
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/27/2005 07:37:00 AM,
The waiting game
October 24, 2005
The wait is on now as I have done both of the interviews. How did they go? Well I think pretty well. I'm a confident person at work and I think I answered the questions the right way. I was told hopefully by the end of the week the decision should be made. What a long week it will be! When I first applied, I honestly still had reservations about whether or not I really wanted it. But then I see it as a good challenge and a way to show my abilities in the company. Also, the extra money would be a very warm welcome indeed. (Gosh it'd be nice to be able to start saving it again lol). Well, I'm not going to be crushed if I don't get it, I only hope that if it's not me, it is someone truly capable of doing the position. Otherwise I'd get cranky, and you don't want to see me cranky! yeah right, I'm hardly intimidating at all... *smirk*
Thanks Darrell and Steve for your comments, little bits of encouragement sure go a long way sometimes. :) I appreciate it alot!
In other news, Cory leaves for Minnesotta tomorrow. He will get back on Friday sometime in the late morning/early afternoon I believe. So... there'll be a couple boring nights alone. I'll have to rely on Sophie and George to provide me with some good entertainment.
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/24/2005 04:04:00 PM,
A little luck and a little skill
October 21, 2005
I've got an interview today. The one I mentioned before in an earlier post. Well I applied, and then got an interview. Actually, the lady who would be my future boss if I got the job was over yesterday and asked me to find out when I would get my 1st interview, she wanted to get it done ASAP. So...maybe that is a good sign. I'm kind of excited. It'd be a heck of a raise, but of course much more responsibility. I know I could do the job, just curious how much stress is involved. Well, we'll see I guess. I got to do the interviews first. So... wish me a little luck. How crazy, lil ol me being one step below a Director... interesting.
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/21/2005 07:45:00 AM,
Sin City...we're ready!
October 20, 2005
We just booked tickets for Las Vegas. WOOHOOO We've been wanting to go for awhile now and just never got it set up to go. Well, November 30- December 6th we'll be there on the strip. We got some really cheap rates and will be staying in the Stratosphere Hotel/Casino. It's not the newest or the most fancy, but hey, it's right in the thick of things. And... well how much time are we going to be spending in the room really? Of course I'm thinking I've got to ride those rides on top of the tower, they look crazy. I'm not sure I'll get Cory anywhere near it, he won't even go up a step ladder.
Neither of us have ever been there before, so it should be fun. Cory and I do a pretty good job exploring. We won't really be gambling at all, just want to go see all the casinos and of course, hit the clubs. I'm hoping to convice Cory we really need to see a Cirque du Soleil show while we are there, if we can do that I'll be in HEAVEN.
Well... that's all for now.
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/20/2005 10:35:00 AM,
Yahoo User Rooms
October 12, 2005
Found this on one of our local news sites. Looks like Nebraska might have officiated the lawsuit versus yahoo regarding the user created chat rooms. I'm curious if they will be coming back soon then. That'd be awesome if they did. Click on the link below to see the article.
Yahoo User Created Chat Rooms Update
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/12/2005 11:00:00 AM,
80 Proof and Loving it
October 06, 2005
Let's talk vodka o.k.? As many of my friends know, I'm a vodka-holic. It's pretty much the only alcohol I drink. How it started, I don't know but I can say that since I turned that great age of 21, a vodka & coca-cola hasn't steered me wrong yet. Plus, when you order a vodka & coke, the bartender usually goes.. "vodka and COKE??" to make sure they heard your correctly, and they rarely forget. This makes getting your drink easy and establishes a good connection with the bartender. (hint - a good bond with a bartender means stiffer drinks for the same price!)
Getting back on track, last Sunday, Cory and I stopped by a liquor store before heading home after bowling, and I saw that this store had more brands of vodka than I knew existed. It was almost heavenly. Standing there in awe, a faux-hangover started to creep in seeing all that alcohol there...overwhelming I think. I think I can tell a good vodka from a bad vodka pretty easily by now, and I've had many types. There was one there that I saw that I really want to try. It's called Tito's. Yeah.. it's not tequila or moonshine, it's vodka. Made in the US (Austin ,TX) by a guy named Tito...who'd a thunk it right? I guess it's won awards and beat out heavyweights like Grey Goose, Kettle One, and Vox.
I'm wondering what anyone else thinks of Tito's. If anyone has had it, and how they thought it compares to some of the others. Level Vodka (made by absolut) is quite good, so smooth it's almost a sweet taste. I wonder if I'll find it better than Level or Belvedere?
A peer to my boss just announced her resignation this week. This intrigues me, as they will post the postion soon to fill her work. Do I apply for it? I think so. It might mean more travel, and it oversees two major departments here, one of which I really don't like to much. Nevertheless it would be a direct promotion and more bling. Decisions Decisions!
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/06/2005 02:19:00 PM,
Scratch that last thought
October 05, 2005
So I deleted the post I had put up yesterday... it was an emotional one. Actually, it was rather worthless and whiney, so it's gone. I'm over the issues I talked about in it. Over it I tell you!
Anyway, today it's about 35 degrees cooler than yesterday. We had the air conditioning on yesterday and last night. Tonight I'm sure we'll have the heat on as it's supposed to get in the lower 30's. UGH! All this weather changing has messed my poor internal thermostat all out of whack. Given me a headache too.
While taking Cory's car to get the oil changed, I learned something rather interesting while overhearing a conversation taking place between the guy that worked at the mechanics and a customer. They both stated that if your A/C doesn't work, you should still have it fixed even if the weather is getting cold. When you turn your defrost on for the front windshield, it actually turns on the A/C as well. The reason for this is to draw out the humidity in the air before it is heated and blown on the windshield. Interesting eh? I thought so...
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/05/2005 04:30:00 PM,
Caution: Contents Flamable and Addictive
October 04, 2005
It's Tooooosday, not quite hump day, but one day closer to the weekend. Things at work are so busy and going in every direction. I guess it's a little fun to keep busy and to be creating things as we go, however it is nice to have days where you just know exactly everything you have to do. Routines aren't so bad sometimes...sometimes.
The weather here has been changing so drastically. We go from days that are 90 degrees to the next day being 50 and frost outside. It's rather annoying. Mother nature needs a Xanax so she can just chill for a bit.
Scatter brained today for some reason...
How come so many cool people have to live so far away...
Why am I whining?
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/04/2005 01:57:00 PM,
You are the Dumbest Smart Person I've Ever Met...
October 02, 2005
One of those days that just feels good. SO I'm a little hung over from last night... just a little, but still feel great. Had a great time lastnight chatting. I'm not sure why, but just had fun. There were lots of new faces, but everyone just got along. That doesn't happen often, especially in an online, gay chatroom! ;) Drama usually runs wild in there.
Well, I am not sure what else to blab about, just thought I'd put something in here today real quick. Got to go bowling in a few minutes, wish us luck!
"Bye Bye Bitches"
posted by Xrystofer @ 10/02/2005 02:36:00 PM,