Difference in change
November 25, 2005
Let's see where I should start. I've been reading some blogs from other Omahan's like me and it's odd how out of touch I am on things. Since the JOY closed, Cory and I haven't really done anything or gone out. Last time we went out was in May, and the time before that was in March. I have to admit, I do kind of miss it. The crowds, the music, the dancing...and of course the drama. It was fun. A completely different lifestyle. I think it'd be good for us to get out a bit more. Not every weekend, but get back out, meet some people.
I do miss watching the really drunk guy attempting to dance and put on a strip show about 10 minutes before the bar closes. The random lost drunk finding their way to your table to tell you how wonderful they think your shoes are, and of course to let you know they are "reallly drunk, and to forgive them". Ah... the good times. I wondering how many people we'd even recognize if we went out. We were quite the social butterflies for several years, so who knows.
Now, we bowl on a league on Sundays. That's pretty much it. Nevertheless, the people out there are great, and we have a blast afterwards in the bar. Who knows... Anyway, later gators, I'm done blabbing.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/25/2005 10:56:00 AM, ,
November 23, 2005
Ok.. so I can't figure out, but the picture below is an animated one, but when I upload to blogger... uhm it's not. So.... yeah. Sorry. I tried.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/23/2005 10:27:00 AM, ,
I couldn't resist putting this up. I found it on the web and just thought it was hilarious. If you haven't seen this lady's video clips from the Trading Spouses show yet... you got to! Just google "trading spouses god warrior" and you'll find clips of her. Funny stuff!
Going to my brother's house in Lincoln for turkey day Thursday, should be nice. Of course, Cory and I are bringing the wine. ;)
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/23/2005 10:09:00 AM, ,
Men who look like Kenny Rogers
November 18, 2005
I'm not sure why this site is funny...but it is.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/18/2005 04:23:00 PM, ,
Here's what I'm thinking...
November 17, 2005
My noggin is working like crazy for some reason. Work's been a zoo and so much has been happening and changing I thought I'd put a collection of "WHAT I THINK ABOUT THIS" on here. Be warned, there will be no plot, no summary, no true direction; just a big pile of letters and words about random things.
Cold Weather: It sucks, really sucks. It sucks more than a Hoover!
Iraq War: Where to begin. Should we leave? YES. Should we stay? Probably. Will we ever win as we had intended? Nopers. We're screwed sideways no matter what we do. People, MANY people have died over there. To leave isn't saying they died in vain, they were doing their job. But do we need to kill anymore of them, I don't think so. The longer we stay, more we show we mean business, but the more people we piss off and have unite against us. Bushy needs to have the people that do all the thinking for him have the other people that write his speeches for him open a jar of honesty and just spill it out. What agenda could they still have that is worth killing our soldiers for? OBVIOUSLY it's not gas, we've established gas prices are mostly figurative and are controlled by the CEO's of the oil companies. The war went on so long, they couldn't use that as an excuse to keep prices high so they used natural disasters... Anyway, that's another topic. Bring our troops home, let Iraq govern itself and live. They are Arabic, not Americans. We can't force them to live our lives and believe our beliefs. How egocentric is that?
Men of the Year: Holy crap have they gone overboard on this. Jennifer Aniston? Uhm... where's the penis? "nuff said. Jennifer (M)Aniston...*giggle*
Sexiest Man: \/\/hatever... How about they title it more like... Sexiest 30 something actor, Sexiest 40 something actor, Sexiest Garbage man, Sexiest Lawyer, etc. Cuz they be picking some odd people in my opinion.
Ok... enough of that. Whew, got that outta my system. MUCH BETTER. Back to my life; Cory gets into Omaha at 8:31pm tonight, so I get to pick him up. Can't wait to have him back! Big empty house alone in the cold just isn't so much fun. Boy he's going to love coming back to our 20 degree icy weather. I already got his coat in the car for when I pick him up. We've got alot of tv to catch up on, we'll probably spend this weekend doing that. Which reminds me.. Medium is in 3D next week, so I gotta go get two copies of TV Friggin' Guide so we can see it in 3D. Cool idea, but sheesh. Gotta love gimmicks I guess. I bet it will look neat though, so I'll shut up.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/17/2005 02:35:00 PM, ,
Thar she blows...
November 15, 2005
Hold on to yer hats, it's WINDY here today. Our little "light dusting" turned into a blizzard today here in Omaha. The wind is around 35-40 mph and it's snowing, raining, sleeting. So, for those of you who aren't sure what that combination means... it's a LOT of signs blowing down, trees down, and possibly power lines as the snow clings to everything eventually turning into ice. Winter really sucks.
Cory is lucky, he escaped to Baton Rouge yesterday, and called me last night to inform me it was about 82 degrees there, while the wind was just picking up here....roughly 40 degrees here. He'll be in for a shock when I pick him up at the airport on Thursday, I might be nice and bring him a coat...maybe. ;)
With that all said, it's just me, the dog and cat. I'm thinking it's going to be a night I need to have a fire going and just hang out. Not much more I could do anyways. The roads will be so slick once the sun sets it wouldn't be worth trying to go anywhere. Not that I really have much room to complain, it's our first snow and it's already the middle of November. So ...I'll stop whining.
In other news: Bush's rating is at an all time low, Earthquake hits Japan, and Princess Sayako leaves her title and palace to marry a commoner. Hrmmm are we seeing a trend? Bush is currently in Asia. Asia has problems. C'mon man.. it's BUSH... he's just a DISASTER! Sheesh, why he gotta be livin' here?!?! *pout*
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/15/2005 01:33:00 PM, ,
Cirque du Soleil Mystere
November 09, 2005
TICKETS! My Cory got me tickets to a Cirque du Soleil show. The show is Mystere and it is playing at Treasure Island Casino. He's not a fan of Cirque at all, but I'm sure he'll think twice when he see's it live. How awesome is that.... we're spending more on the show than our hotel the whole time we are there.. but he got them cuz he knows how much I have wanted to see a show. We got 2nd row seats from the stage! This is a view of the stage similar to what we have... of course, we'll be the 2nd row from the front...
I'm in a state of bliss...I've dreamed of going to a Cirque du Soleil show since I was a sophmore in HS...
This is a link to the show, which you can click on the right hand side your bandwidth selection and see a preview of the show: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/CirqueDuSoleil/en/showstickets/mystere/mystere-Las-Vegas.htm
Damn I can't wait. We're going the 10:30 show on 12/1/05.
See what a great guy I got!?!?!
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/09/2005 06:56:00 PM, ,
Floor Pictures
SO these aren't the greatest pictures, tried to take them off my webcam cuz I can't find the cord to my Digital Cam still. The little thing in the one is a automatic floor cleaner, it's kinda cool.
Better pictures later. Anyway... Vegas comes soon, I can't wait. I'm hoping we get tickets to a Cirque du Soleil show! I REALLY want to go, but they are kind of expensive. So we'll see. If only we had a sugar daddy! j/k
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/09/2005 11:08:00 AM, ,
Mission Complete
November 07, 2005
The floor is done. YAY! It's looks amazing, almost sexy. I think I'd date my floor if I were single. (just kidding) As soon as I find the cable to hook my camera to the computer I'll upload some pictures of it. We finished Sunday around 1:00 or so, just in time for Cory and I to get ready to go bowling. We were exhausted, and it showed in our poor scores. Oh well, it was still a good day, and had a nice feeling of accomplishment. My brothers worked their tales off on the floor and so did my dad. My mom of course kept the order of the house and made sure we all got along. HAHA
Our dog, she doesn't like the floor so much. It's kinda slick and she has a hard time getting traction on it. I'm sure she'll get used to it after awhile. It's amazing the difference, and the floor makes the rooms look sooo much larger. A couple area rugs and we'll be set. Tonight we'll move the rest of the furniture in and be all set. Sunday was a good day indeed!
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/07/2005 04:22:00 PM, ,
Flooring Update
November 05, 2005
The flooring is going very well! We're going to take a break all of us and go eat at Dave N Busters then come back.. Pictures will be on soon, maybe later tonight I'll put some on. Should be able to finish tonight or in the morning. YAY. Damn my brothers and mom and dad rock. HAHA
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/05/2005 07:00:00 PM, ,
Artificially Flavored
November 04, 2005
Ahhh to be walking the path to 5pm Friday, such a wonderful thing. Lots of things going on and things to do this weekend. My younger brother called last night, asking me if we needed his help tonight with getting things ready for the rest of the family coming up Saturday to work on the floor. He's such a good guy. I did sense a little bit of a tone almost asking me something like "I don't want to just come out and say it, but I don't want to be stuck there with Mom and Dad at Travis's all Friday night, can you please drive down and rescue me?" I'm not sure, but that's what I got from it. He knows if he comes to our place we'll just have fun, and he can drink til the cows come home if he wants. So who knows, maybe I was reading too much into it.
Cory and I got the carpet all up, just have to remove the back board and tacking that holds it in place and we should be ready to go with getting the flooring down. I hope.
Other things of interest, and to talk about something other than myself for a moment...Anderson Cooper. He's like "THE HURRICANE Reporter" as most people say. He was at all the hurricanes this summer and last summer reporting for CNN. He's just been signed on to take Aaron Brown's place. Thank god, Aaron Brown just didn't have much of an identifiable personality. And... there's something attractive about Anderson Cooper. I'm not sure what it is yet. I think it might be his personality and his way of reporting and speaking that just makes you listen. He presents things in a very personable way, and he speaks very well. Well anyway, just been reading about that, I'll actually watch CNN 360 now I think with him on it.
The Las Vegas Mayor said he thinks the graffiti artists that deface public areas should have their thumbs cut off on live tv. *ponders* hrmmmm I'm intrigued. That's a little extreme. Why not something more fitting and less violent to yet humiliate them. Maybe on Live TV and on a public square or intersection, they are stipped down and any tax payer that wants to will be put into a drawing and if picked will be allowed to personally walk up with a can of spraypaint and spraypaint the vandal. Let maybe 5 people do that, the vandal would be humiliated in front of a huge croud AND on TV being spraypainted in the buff. Hell, it's Vegas, make it something you could win the privellage of doing on some sort of Slot Machine! I would totally watch that, and it's a fitting punishment. O.k. yeah, not violent and the spraypaint isn't the best thing you'd want on your skin.. but COME ON.. they are taking away money the city could be using to save and help people.. so it works out. And hell, if they are cute, even more reason to watch.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/04/2005 08:00:00 AM, ,
I got hard wood baby!
November 01, 2005
Ever have those day's you just can't shake off the sleepies? You yawn and yawwwn and yaaawwwwwnnnnn but still can't wake up? Me too...dang they suck! But whatever, that's not important. I've finally got my parents and both brothers coming up this weekend! They're going to help Cory and I lay the wood floor in the Kitchen and Family Room. 550 sq feet in all I think. I've got my fingers crossed things go smoothly. Cory and I have been getting things ready, tonight we hope to get the carpet all ripped up and the crap off the floor so it's as smooth as possible. I think we can accomplish it, we're not THAT gay...I don't think! *grin* I can't wait for the end product. I'll have before and during and after pictures of course. I don't imagine it'll take longer than this weekend to accomplish it, esp with all us there to do the laying, cutting, trimming, etc. Should go brilliantly!
Enough about the damn floor!
Gay places in Vegas... I know there are a few, but doesn't seem to be as obvious as I thought it would be. I think we'll go to Krave to dance a night or two away, but that's about all. Looks like we'll be hitting the "tourist" places mostly, just to say we've "been there and done that." I'm all about free of course! Oh yeah.. and plenty of pictures of cute guys! ;) The laptop is coming with so we can download pictures to it everyday and not worry about running out of room for pictures. Now if only our video camera were able to hook directly to a PC we could get videos too. Oh well.
posted by Xrystofer @ 11/01/2005 10:13:00 PM, ,