I'm being taunted
June 27, 2006
The person who stole/hacked my old yahoo acount IM'd my new account. Here's what the person said:
boyz7977: yeep u got hackered up aight haha.
Funny getting IMd from my old screen name. Kind of like hearing your own voice. Luckily though, I hadn't used that account in a long time, so he can keep it if it means so much to him.
In other news. We went to the CWS final game last night. It was fun actually, however I was expecting fireworks and they didn't have any. Bastards...
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/27/2006 10:40:00 AM,
Big Brother and Yahoo
June 26, 2006
Well Things are still unresolved with yahoo, and I'm sure they'll never get fixed. Oh well, I'll just keep hoping it stays this way and doesn't get any worse. :) But thanks everyone for understanding. I had a busy weekend, I intended to post on here but didn't have much time. We worked on the yard, pool this weekend as much as we could, in between the rain. Obvioulsy that slowed us down alot. We also went to the 2nd Championship game of the College World Series. Was an o.k. game. I'm not a baseball fan, but I had a good time none the less. Of course Cory had a blast, and purchased 2nd row tickets to tonights final game. I'm mostly excited to go to see the fireworks at the end! That's not too bad is it? Good, I didn't think so either.
Big Brother - Have you been voting? I have. Now I've been hearing rumors that the cbs.com site hasn't made it so only one vote per day per ISP was enforced... so that means bots, lots and lots of voting bots! I'm sure the voting is completely skewed because of these bots, but none the less, I will be voting. They have made some cool HTML voting buttons you can use. Click the names below to vote if you want.

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com! KAYSAR

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!

Get your codes at BigBrotherLink.com!
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/26/2006 08:45:00 AM,
What the @#&?
June 23, 2006
Now this is going to be a ranting and raving post. So...just an FYI
I've had an account with yahoo by the screen name of Boyz7977 for many years. By many, I mean at least 6 years. I didn't use it to chat anymore. I have a few places registered to it, like my Myspace.com account and stuff. ANYWAY... what I'm getting at is.... someone hacked the flippin thing. They changed the password on me and info so I can't get into it. Years of emails I've saved, pictures, etc. They're all gone. How disappointing eh? Mostly, it's sad knowing I'll never get it back... Well... that's the biggest thing on my mind now, so ehhhhh.....
Big Brother, well I'm hating the fact I have to wait so damn long til it starts after that teaser of a show Wednesday. Oh well. I'll put my thoughts on the list of 20 later, it's lunch time...
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/23/2006 11:19:00 AM,
The Hour is Nearly Upon Us!
June 21, 2006
BB7 All-starts preview show is tonight. In a first time event, they are letting us viewers help pick the cast of the show. Of course the audience/fan vote only counts for 50% of the people appearing on the show, it's still going to be fun and interesting.
Show starts at 7:00 Central, and the list of 20 the fans can vote for will be announced. I am hoping they do a little recap on each player, and maybe a "what are they doing now" bit on them too.
I'll list who I am going to vote for as soon as I can, and as soon as the "official" list is announced tonight. I'm curious who everyone else will pick too.
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/21/2006 02:32:00 PM,
The time is nearly upon us! I've added a few links to the right for some Big Brother sites. They have lots of updates and just darn good BB gossip. Check them out.
For those that don't know already, BB7 is the all star edition; bringing back houseguests from previous shows. Should be good. I'm not going to repeat everything the other sites out there have already said. Let me know if you watch BB and what you think. Would love to discuss it, I am on several BB chats with this same name as here.
BB7 starts with the "voting of the houseguests" show June 21st at 8pm Eastern.....
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/16/2006 10:48:00 AM,
CWS and Omaha
June 15, 2006
What's with all of the out of state cars you might ask if you happen to drive through Omaha. Well, it's CWS (College World Series) time and Omaha is the scene. College Baseball fans flock here this time of year, and it's kind of cool. I am not a big sports fan at all, but it's neat to see love for Omaha and the CWS. I'm not sure anyone I know really follows it either, but here's the lineup for the teams who made it this year:
Bracket One
Georgia Tech
Cal State Fullerton
North Carolina
Bracket Two
Oregon State
So, turn on ESPN (if you get it) and you'll see some of Omaha and the Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. You'll see the large Biosphere/Dessert Dome in the background.
hmmm... another sports posting. This is starting to get scary!
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/15/2006 03:05:00 PM,
So Pride came and went....
June 13, 2006
For the most part, the people that might read this know me fairly well. Things rarely happen how they are supposed to around me and I try not to make plans because I rarely stick to them. Spontaneous is my middle name; amongst many other things I will not mention here.
Getting to the point, I talked about the Pride "festivities" going on this weekend. We had a hotel for Saturday night and we were all set. We checked into the hotel around 3 pm (yeah we missed the parade and all three floats that were probably in it). We made it down there from the hotel probably around 4. The hotel had a free shuttle service so things just couldn't be better. Anyway, we got down there, we purchased our wonderful over 21 yo alcohol wristbands and some drink tickets. After acquiring some alcohol we circled the area to realize we didn't know anyone. Ugh, we had turned from socialites to complete strangers in just a couple years. Perhaps that really isn't a bad thing, but it still felt strange. We found and claimed a table to stand by in the sun. It got really cool this past weekend here in Omaha so standing in the sun felt great.
After an hour or so, a few friends arrived, from bowling of course and then a few more. Finally we had a good sized group and we were all having a great time.
The good time soon turned into "shot time" for a few of us and by 8pm or so I was far beyond sober. So Cory and I decided we'd go back to the hotel and take a nap and sleep off some of the alcohol and then walk down to the Max to meet everyone else around 10. However.... I woke up at 9am Sunday morning with no clue as to why I was in bed. HAHA SO....our pride festivities lasted about 4 hours. Pathetic eh? Oh well, I still had a great time in that short of a time period. Would I do it again... yeah.. just minus a few shots. Darn you David!
In other news.. the fence guys are there today, as I type this. I'm thinking it will be done by the time we get home, I can't wait! And the main guy, Andrew something.... uhm.. well. It's a nice sight to see. LOL
Cory leaves for Spokane tomorrow morning, so I'll be kicking it alone until Friday afternoon. Wish me luck.
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/13/2006 11:13:00 AM,
New Fence
June 09, 2006
So this isn't exactly the most exciting thing to write about, but it makes me as giddy as a school girl. The new fence in our back yard is finally getting tore down and a new one is about to be put up. The fence people came out and tore what was left standing down, and just yesterday put in most of the fence posts. It already looks so much better, I can't wait to see it all finished, it's gonna be purdy!
Here's what it looks like right now... (Click Here) and (Click Here)
Oh yeah.. it's Friday.. and Payday. Gay pride is this weekend in Omaha...so much for being sober!! We got a hotel downtown so we don't have to drive, hopefully the laptop will accompany us.
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/09/2006 10:44:00 AM,
The "Beast" arrives in Omaha
June 06, 2006
It's the END! Even the news is reporting it. If CNN.com, and all the AP news sites say it.. it must be true. Omaha is about to end!
Realistically.... The Beast is represented in Catholic "myth" by the number 666. Today, being 06-06-06 might be a sign for the Beast to appear. Beast means quite possibly the Anti-Christ according to many theologians. Well President (a term I use loosely now) Bush is to arrive in Omaha tonight. It is his 6th visit to Omaha in his term and he's arriving around 6pm. God help us. I can't keep stacking up all these 6's. I'm expecting the fucker to step out of the plane engulfed in flames and just start killing everyone screaming "DIE HOMOS". If he doesn't kill us all, he'll torture us all by speaking his oddly coded verbal messages which are made to sound like a poorly educated man attempting to sound smart while giving a speech he had written for him.
Bush can shove his homophobia where his pitchfork won't reach.
"Go back to DC".... it kinda makes me want to throw up a little thinking I'm going to be in the same city as him....*shudders*
posted by Xrystofer @ 6/06/2006 09:58:00 AM,