It's Friday, Do You Know Where Your Vodka Is?
September 30, 2005
Friday again, what a lovely feeling saying that over and over. You should try it...
I can't believe how cool it has gotten here this past week. We've gone from 90's and the air conditioning on at night to frost on the ground in the mornings and mid 30's temps. I'm not thrilled about this, but I have to admit, I do like wearing winter clothes. HA HA (what can I say?) Cory and I were out getting stuff for the dog and cat at the pet store and I was almost pee'ing my pants looking at the Halloween costumes they have for pets. They are so ridiculously funny it's painful. I kept picturing our dog in these dracula or princess costumes and almost had to leave the isle. I feel for all the poor puppies out there forced to swallow their pride and adorn their festive costumes. Oh yeah, they sell doggie goggles too... I love it!
I can't think of much more to say...surprisingly. More later perhaps.
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/30/2005 08:28:00 AM,
Just a bunch of junk I tell you!
September 27, 2005
Ok so I've read about this " find the brownie " game and couldn't figure out what it really was. Then I found the original article after several blogs. And I love it. It's one of those articles that just stands out that say so much in just the right amount of space. The article is HERE. I suggest reading it if you like finding humor in the unqualified abilities of those who are supposed to be model citizens and leaders of the US (world).
Speaking of the US and leaders...anyone have a nice well maintained hybrid car they are wanting to sell at a reasonable price? *wink* I think we're considering selling the Nissan Frontier or Cadillac and getting a hybrid. This gas crap is ridiculous. Our friggin' government, budget, and resources are stretched so thin we can't even handle something like the price of gas with any sort of countability. Our government can't even regulate it's own self, let alone gas prices, emergencies, etc. Our leadership just blows. We've got a million chiefs and not enough warriors. Blah... it's disappointing to see how loosey-goosey restrictions are, but regulations mean nothing. Bush and so man others are Dumb-Dumbs (as the chat room would say it).
Putting the government aside for a few moments, I decided to not write about TV today and just blab abit. Here's the most recent activities I have partaken in recently:
Saturday 9/24/05 my brother Travis got married! It was great, he looked so happy and SOOO nervous. The service was small and intimate, and the reception was large and energetic. He has such an awesome group of friends and support from every branch of all the respecting family trees.
Bowling started. So our super uber mega team is starting off a little weak on the uber, or maybe the super, but we'll get there. We just need to find our groove, thank god it's only been two weeks. *grin*
Refinancing the house. We just did this and we're so relieved to have in a locked rate and know for the next 15 years things aren't going to possibly change for the worse. WOOHOOO
So.... how about that hybrid car....anyone selling?
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/27/2005 08:00:00 AM,
House Pictures for those curious
September 26, 2005
Pictures of our house:
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/26/2005 05:33:00 PM,
LOST and gone forever
September 23, 2005
So, I've come to realize what an interesting fellow I am. Not really, but odd perhaps. Wednesday was the season premier of LOST on ABC. Now I know I'm a super huge fan of Big Brother, but I'm thinking this is my new most FAVORITE show. It is quite different than BB, so I dn't feel guilty saying it's my favorite. The premier was one of the best TV show's I've seen in a long time. It was like a 1 hour movie with commercials and no ending...(if that makes any sense). Through my endless searching to try and get some answers to things I was wondering and make myself feel "clever" regarding the show, I've stumbled across a myriad of URLs that just make LOST even more damn interesting. I know these sites aren't new, but they are somewhat to me, and I think there are people out there that don't know about them. From what I know, they are "official" sites put out there to add to the illusion of LOST's reality. And give us fans with no social lives something to mess around with in hopes of turning over some HUGE secret no one else has found yet. Well, here are the URLs. I've listed them in order of how I think one should go to them. Enjoy! (Shows ann animation and teaser clip, then takes you to the nest listed URL below) (Tons of movie clips, images, background info, and some great forums to chat in) (Website for the airline, Oceanic Air, they flew on from Australia. This site is overflowing with hidden info and tricks) (The home to Charlie's rock band...see pictures, listen to music and find out what they're doing since Charlie disappeared)
Now all of these have little clues, inside info, back-story stuff and lots of interesting things you won't find on the show. Of course I'm pretty sure that should you never look at these sites, you won't miss anything on the show regarding the story, plot, or characters, but it's fun to have a little more to work with when you watch the show.
If you've never seen LOST, you should try and episode or two, you'll love to hate the fact that you continue to think about what's happening two or three days after the show has aired. Afterall, you don't want your brain to go to mush watching too much reality tv, even though they're jam packed with hotties and more contests you know what to do with...
O.K... bye
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/23/2005 12:42:00 PM,
a brief reprise...
September 20, 2005
it's Tuesday...had a 4 day weekend...I'm feeling spoiled and lathargic. I don't want to work really, I enjoyed doing nothing for 4 days. oh well... I have to say, I'm sad BB6 is nearly over. Tonight is the last night. I'm honestly only watching to see the jury people. I don't care who wins, I don't really like Evilette or Maggot.
Other news, Monday's seem to be the new TV day for us. So many good shows. I fear we're going to be glued to the TV alot this winter. For everyone's pleasure I'm listing the shows we will be actively watching on a weekly basis..just to show how little of a life we actually have:
MONDAY: Las Vegas, Medium, Surface, Ultimate-Fighter, Prison Break
TUESDAY: Law & Order SVU, Scrubs, Amazing Race 8, Commander in Chief
WEDNESDAY: LOST, Law & Order, Invasion
THURSDAY: Will and Grace, Survivor Guatemala, Reunion
SUNDAY: Law & Order C.I., Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, Rome
And of course American Idol once it starts. So our winter will be busy. ;)
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/20/2005 08:55:00 AM,
Ivette goes boom
September 09, 2005
Ivette had an issue with a gas grill outside the BB6 House last weekend... View her "fiery" encounter. Is it bad I laugh at these?? *smirk*
what a dumb dumb
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/09/2005 02:23:00 PM,
The end is near
O.k.. it's just the girls on Big Brother 6. Howie stayed around as long as they'd let him, but just couldn't hold on any longer. This seems to be the new trend in BB US.
Official Big Brother 6 Site
Personally, I'd like to see Janie go at least to the final two. I doubt she will win, simply because the "friendship" (man that phrase makes me gag in reference to that group) will have more members in the Jury House once it ends. Unless Janelle can convice Ivette to vote for one of her own team it's pretty much going to whomever makes it to the end if Janelle is there too. I don't care who it goes to if it's between two *gag* "frienship" members. Well, we will see here soon, hopefully the final HOH contest will be a good unique endurance challenge, they are so fun to watch. GO JANELLE!
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/09/2005 10:56:00 AM,
Another Giant Leap for Man-Kind...Another one!
September 07, 2005
California Approves Gay Marriage
So here we are again, is this another carrott, am I a donkey once again? I hope not! We can't complain too much, at least these issues are still continuing to hit the steps of our government, make headlines and cause people to do a double-take. Yeah, I guess I'm happy this is being considered again. To know I am protected with the same rights as a married "woman/man" couple would be assuring. I for one support this obviously. Let's all be on the same page telling the same story, that's all we're asking for.
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/07/2005 09:43:00 AM,
Blog Spot...hrmm
September 06, 2005

Well, it's time to try something new perhaps. I'd like to try posting here, however I don't want to lose the archive of history from my LiveJournal site. So..we'll just play it by ear and see how it goes.
Cory and I have been off work since Friday, it's been a great 4 day weekend. We haven't really done much. But that's what a good vacation is all about, just enjoying it. We just watched "Latter Days"...and it was such a good movie. Granted the two main actors are incredibly attactive, the story was good and nearly got some tears out of us. It's assuring to see a good "gay film" not totally driven by sex scenes. The actors were good, the shots weren't overdone and there were no hokey transition scenes or elements you usually find in lower budget movies. The movie just relied on the story to move itself along. We're definitely going to watch it again. And no, not in slo-mo during the sex scenes. (we aready did that...sheesh).
Anway, all for now. Big Brother will be on shortly...
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/06/2005 07:03:00 PM,
Policies and Stupid People
September 01, 2005
Katrina..... what a mess. I honestly haven't been this depressed in such a long time. It's awful. I'm surprised at the people that act as if doesn't effect them other than raising gas prices. The company I work for has a site in Baton Rouge. That's where Cory goes when he leaves for work. They got hit hard there, and the town is croweded with people who fled from New Orleans ahead of the storm. Now, all of them homeless and lost. It's horrible. I've been organizing and helping out with getting supplies from people here at work to send down to the co workers in Baton Rouge. I feel so bad for them, I cannot imagine not having my home to go to. It boggles my mind. I have to do something to help them out. I keep sitting here wishing I had a boat or could fly a helicopter or something just so I could go down and help rescue people... it sucks. I hate feeling helpless. And talking about helpless... there are people down there with guns firing at hospital workers and sick people and helicopters, etc. WHAT THE HELL? How on earth could someone sink to that level. Is it a power trip? Are they thinking "Ohh, I've got guns now cuz I stole 'em from Wal-mart and the police are busy helping people. So I can have my own gang and make New Orleans mine!"... I've got two words for them.... "Dumb Dumbs" :) The human species is so corrupt sometimes.If you haven't done so... Donate to help them out. I think we can all afford giving up a fast food meal to help them out!Now Bush is saying help is on the way. Uhm... So when did you decide you were actually going to help? Shouldn't you have known this already. I don't know squat about Hurricanes, but I knew a good 12 hours before it hit it wasn't going to be pretty. Are the leaders of our country that foolish? Let's hold off on sending more troops to Iraq for at least two weeks and lets get those people down there to help rescue. Fly in the helicopters, bring in the boats and get the people out! Hrmmm this is our homeland, shouldn't it be a priority?*grins* O.k. I vented... but I had too! I hope everyone tries to help out somehow!And Clyde.. if you read this, I hope you are o.k and safe in Batron Rouge! My thoughts are on you!PS - April in the Big Brother house torques me off too! *smirk*
posted by Xrystofer @ 9/01/2005 06:28:00 PM,