A Record is Set
January 30, 2006
Sunday proved a decent day of bowling for me. My first game actually got me a little worried. My current average is 174. So when I finished my first game with a 166, I thought "Hmmm I'm going to have to work to get above my average the next two games". However, midway through the 2nd game, with only one frame not a strike, I knew I was in for a good game. I only had three balls that weren't strikes the entire game, giving me a 242. I was rather impressed. It's my highest game ever, so I am pleased. My 3rd game started out the same 4 strikes in a row then I got hit with three really bad splits in a row, which left me finishing with a 170. So... a 578 series isn't too bad for a weekend bowler. We'll see how next week goes. Our goal is to end up in the top 5 at the end of the year. I think we have a good chance... My fingers are crossed.
On a side note, I found some old pictures of me at work. They are in the "ME" directory if anyone wants to take a look. Click Here
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/30/2006 04:11:00 PM,
Winter Olympics...A Shallow Look!
January 27, 2006
Welcome sports fans to another addition of "Spot and stare at the hottie". (I never ever imagined I'd start a blog that way!) The winter Olympics starts shortly and I for one will be watching. Especially the eye-candy sport of Mens Figure Skating. Incase you haven't heard, there'll be a handful of international ice sliding studs (ok more like twinks) fluttering around on the ice.
From Belgium - Kevin van der Perren
From Canada - Jeffrey Buttle
From France - Brian Joubert
There are others of course, but remember this is a shallow look so they may be good, just not so hot. hmmm
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/27/2006 08:41:00 AM,
Basement Redux
January 25, 2006
Yet another thing going on in the house. This time it's the basement. It's always bugged me. The brown fake pannels on some of the walls and the plain white brick on others. Well, it's going to get covered in a nice coat of paint. And then since the ceiling is also pannels, I want put our DVD surround sound down there with the TV that's just sitting there not being used. That means we could use the basement for something other than just our computers. Luckily, other than time, this isn't an expensive project. I think it'll make it look a LOT better. Wish me luck, I'll take some before and after pictures.
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/25/2006 03:58:00 PM,
What are they thinking???
January 24, 2006
Canadians voted in a conservative? Hasn't Bush taught them anything at all. I'm kind of amazed that they did this. I am really curious how this will change things for Canada and our relations. Hopefully things will be ok, and for Canada's sake they still stay cool. I don't know much about the new guy, I'll have to do some google'n on him and see what I think.
I'm hungry, anyone care to bring me some breakfast? Pretty please???
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/24/2006 09:48:00 AM,
January 22, 2006
Well my weekend just went to hell before it even started. Friday at work, there were people calling in sick one after another. It was almost like an epidemic. I stayed in my office as much as possible, however towards the end of the day... I too had suddenly developed a cough. Well, it was fine that night, except a bit more of a cough and I thought I got lucky. Saturday comes around and I've got a fever, chills, aches...all that fun stuff. I wasn't feeling "pukey", just had this awful headache and fever. Dayquil and orange juice for me and I wake up today feeling fine. Weird huh? I'm not sure what I got but it appears to be gone. I haven't had a fever in years, so it was kind of weird. Anyway, that's why I wasn't online at all, I was sleeping and trying to get better so I could go bowling and work on Monday. Looks like I'm in the clear for now.
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/22/2006 01:20:00 PM,
Local listings
January 20, 2006
Being the curious fellah I am, I frequently search for blogs, articles, people from around Omaha online. And sadly, I don't usually come up with a good catch. Just a few here and there which are usually just someone trying to rank on technorati or something by recapping the recent news. (Sidenote - I don't get that. Why would you create a blog just to summarize cnn.com or reuters.com. I just don't get it...) Anyway, back to point; even our local news stations don't really follow through with things as often as they should. They started a little section about the Dodge Overway or whatever the hell you want to call it. It was kind of neat as they followed a worker on the project daily and behind the scenes. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a construction man fetish, nor any sense of architectual understanding but it was just interesting to see exactly how they can construct the massive overpass on the busiest street in Omaha. For those not local, here is the project I am referring to: Click Here After a few weeks, the segment just stopped. Blah
Continuing on, I know Omaha isn't the most exciting place around. It does however have alot of people, and I'm surprised how poorly Omaha seems to be represented online. About all you can find are the local area bands springing up like dandelions in spring. Heck, even Myspace.com doesn't hold many locals. A search on technorati or google's blogsearch for "omaha" brings up mostly Omaha Holdem results and weird poker sites that make little if no sense at all. I guess we're just too far inland to catch on. *grin*
Maybe I'm wrong, but I kind of doubt it.
I know I should keep these posts short but anyone who knows me knows I have great rambling skills.
- Cory get's back around 8:00 or so tonight, thank god.
- It's snowing here today and I'm secretly doing my anti-snow dance at my desk to prevent any sort of accumilation.
- I want to try and take the dog to the dog park here, see how she interacts with other pooches out there.
- I'm once again going to "attempt" to commit myself to weight gain and working out. 20 lbs is my goal by summer. If it goes well, I'll try and document it... it might be hilarious, but most likely unsuccessful.
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/20/2006 10:58:00 AM,
I hope your stay is a comfortable one
January 12, 2006
It's gonna be Hotel Chris&Cory this weekend! Joe, my younger brother called last night and asked if it'd be o.k. if he crashed at our house this weekend. I about laughed, as Saturday is the night my older brother Travis and his friends are staying at our house so they are closer to the airport for the cruise. It's gonna be a FULL frickin house. Thank god it's big enough, however we've only got an extra queen sized and full sized bed. There's gonna be people all over.. it'll look like a refugee camp. It should be fun however. This will be the most people we've hosted overnight at our place, so I'm kind of excited to open the house up for everone. And...I'm a little proud of Cory and myself for having a nice house they can stay in. So...we'll see how it goes I guess. As long as I keep plenty of beer in the house I think it'll be just dandy.
Other news...we're going to have to spend at least $400.00 on a new floor drain in the basement. Ours started having problems and when the plumber came out to snake it, they discovered the "p" trap was broke. WHICH means...they have to replace it. And to replace it they have to break up the concrete floor around it. So...a simple little piece of pipe is going to run us a lot of $$. How crappy is that!?! Oh well, it'll be done and we won't have to worry about it for quite some time I hope!
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/12/2006 10:39:00 AM,
January 11, 2006
Not sure what to blab about today. The weather here is so strange for this time of year. It got to 56 degrees today, and has been warm the last week or so. I not complaining, just odd for it to be January and so warm here. The normal average temperature they say is around 30 degrees. I'm sure Mother Nature will turn on us soon and give us a nice huge nasty snow storm. We just can't be that lucky and stay like this til spring!
Cory and I got X-Men Legends II for the PS2. It's a bit more involved that the first one. Great game and I'm sure we'll be glued to it until we beat it. Hopefully it'll have an ending that's not so friggin' impossible to beat.
Uhm.... that's all.. hmmm
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/11/2006 04:03:00 PM,
Updates to resume
January 10, 2006
So, I thought this might be an ailing endevor of mine. Sure, this blog does come in handy during those brief moments you need to vent or want to discuss something on your mind. This blog also seems to be a bit more of a bridge to connect friends to what's going on in my life. So, having that issue brought up to me this past weekend I will continue with updates.
And here they are:
Cory and I have done more work on the kitchen. I've learned I can install a new kitchen sink and disposal all by myself. Hot damn I'm good eh? We also got a new oven. It's purdy. We didn't really need it, but just couldn't pass it up. Click here to see a picture of it.
My older brother (Travis) is coming up this weekend with LeAnne and 4 of their friends. They are all going on a cruise and their plane leaves Omaha early. This way they can crash at our house and not have such a long drive. This is also the first time Travis has ever flown. He's uber excited and nervous, so Cory and I will have some good tips for him to make it more enjoyable. I'm so happy for them, they're going to have alot of fun; it will be a trip of many "firsts" for him.
Thursday Cory and I are going with some guys we bowl with to see Brokeback Mountain. I'm not sure what to expect. All I know is to bring plenty of tissues; it's a real tear-jerker. It's been awhile since I've seen one of those, so lord only knows how big of a baby I'll be. *grin*
posted by Xrystofer @ 1/10/2006 04:01:00 PM,